Recent content by elw3

  1. elw3

    E-ink Screen

    No, i meant, it fitting i can imagine, but a display at that place, how is it suppose to fit along the case surface? Either we have drop in or we need another clear plastic cover.
  2. elw3

    E-ink Screen

    Lovely but i dont see how that would fit into the case.
  3. elw3

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Ohwell you can also just buy a 20 bucks usb powered monitor, glue a banana pi zero and a powerbank behind it and ducttape it to some usb controller and there you have a handheld. And whats my point here? I dont even know myself. If you need a discussion to jusify what to spend your money on...
  4. elw3

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Android is a no go on my book.
  5. elw3

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I have not even noticed.
  6. elw3

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Its good that you are cheerful but the forum is so calm, little talk, no new releases, no news. Its weird these days. I know its a general _forums are dying_ problem. But i still miss the good old days of daily checking the side, now you only need to check every few weeks. Speaking of anbernic...
  7. elw3

    Formatting 32mb card for gp32

    We are mostly linux users here, so you likely will not get another answer than use linux. Having cards where the written capacity is different than what the software reports exists a lot. Thats usually not a good sign regarding quality of the card and can also indicate it is broken, however...
  8. elw3

    Help me making a to play list

    Well that links looks helpful. Thanks for that. But as for the posts: I have still not found the time to look these up. I neither have found the time to set up my consoles yet. I am currently playing virtual boy for whatever reason. I think thats the most underrated system out there.
  9. elw3

    I will be getting a Caanoo very soon. I need help

    Maybe wait for the questionsk till it is actually there?
  10. elw3

    Install application

    In der Regel hat man den Fehler das die Datei da ist, nicht so ungewöhnlich, der Fehler hier ist aber das sie Fehlt, also genau das Gegenteil >.<
  11. elw3

    Install application

    Ja terminalbefehle kann man auch im terminal versuchen... gksudo is halt grafisches sudo (switch user and do), und lässt sich in der regel mit dem normalen sudo austauschen wenn man eingabeprobleme hat. Es ist das selbe Fenster das aufspringt wenn du synaptic öffnest. Der Teil der mich stutzig...
  12. elw3

    Mit Linux os lm21.3 xfce mit emulatoren zocken

    Prinzipel sollte alles was in der pandora an emulatoren zu finden ist auch in der mint repo zu finden sein. Du könntest aber erstmal bacotera linux testen um zu gucken was dein laptop leisten kann, da sind halt alle denkbaren emulatoren vorinstalliert. Mit homebrew kann ich nicht dienen, aber...
  13. elw3

    Battery compartment question

    Hold on, youre one of the few users who have booth designs at hand, youre not getting away without telling which you like better and if you think the change was worth it.
  14. elw3

    Battery compartment question

    You slide it sideways. Neat, havnt seen this part of the new case on a photo yet.
  15. elw3

    Install application

    1. Der Thread ist Jahre alt. Ist nicht immer die beste Idee alten Anweisungen zu folgen. 2. Bitte nicht blind Befehle kopieren. 3. Sudo gibt KEINE optische bestätigung wenn man da was eintippt, man tippt blind. Du kannst gksudo nehmen wenn du sehen willst wohin du tippst. 4.Die Ordner sollten...