Recent content by Git1

  1. Git1

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Have faith, it'll come. ED is now doing this at a loss, yet he is still delivering Pyrae. Nobody would do that if they intended giving up on something. He has proved himself to be an amazing person, just perhaps a little over stretched.
  2. Git1

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    For me there is no device that is comparable, so I'm still very interested!
  3. Git1

    The Communication Cube

    Has @Null gone on holiday? I'm missing his daily posts!
  4. Git1

    The Unanswered Questions Post

    It's just a matter of economics: Platypodes are very rare, so platypus jerky would be prohibitively expensive and hard to come by. Conversely, flat kangaroos are scraped of highways around the country in the thousands every day making the Jerky very cheap and readily available. What did people...
  5. Git1

    Absurdism corner

    No Pruning?
  6. Git1

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Nah, we should just ditch the separators altogether, put the year in the middle, and determine the order of the day and month by the moon phase. When the moon is waxing, the day comes first, when it's waning, the month comes first. So today's date would be 10202405
  7. Git1

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    @Askarus , Thanks for taking the time to give us an update, it's great to hear things are moving along. Also, many thanks for your efforts in helping get Pyrae made.
  8. Git1

    Port Requests

    For reference, not Magic Sam; the offending post has been deleted. :)
  9. Git1

    Port Requests

    ↑ Ai spam?
  10. Git1

    New copper cases are finally being assembled

  11. Git1

    I will be getting a Caanoo very soon. I need help

    You don't need cables to power a caanoo, you need these:
  12. Git1

    Absurdism corner

    You've just given me a great business idea: I'll collect and resell used empty water bottles as 'Dehydrated Diet water. Just add water'. I'll make a fortune! :D
  13. Git1

    Battery compartment question

    You lucky bugger!
  14. Git1

    Pandora still in repair

    It's a shame one has to subscribe to a 3rd party service to contact him when there's a perfectly good forum here already. Personally I don't (and won't) use any of those services, so if I find my self in this same situation in the future I'll probably end up with the same result. :( @Gilles ...