Recent content by morrowmech

  1. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Yes. I was a pre-preorderer who opted for a copper color Pyra, and received it literally the last day in 2023. Gave feedback on the copper case battery lid tightness issues and my fix for it too.
  2. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    This is what I bought the Pyra for honestly.
  3. M

    Survey for Pyra owners

    Your Pyra reader survey reminded me of another survey attempt.
  4. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I had a similar problem. 2 voucher codes: My prepreorder Pyra voucher + an additional dragonbox shop voucher code I bought back in 2017. Could not combine both, ended up DMing EvilDragon on the Discord server and issue was fixed within 1 hr.
  5. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    All the Pyra cases (black + Copper) are at onsite at ED's location as per one of ED's updates on here on the forums or the DragonboxShop Discord server. I got one of the first 4GB Standard Copper Pyra's. Shipping notification email for it was sent December 15 2023. Copper Pyra arrived literally...
  6. M

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Agreed, glad to see Pyra devices being sent out. It felt extremely weird to be the only new Pyra owner. Hopefully the Copper painted battery plate cover case tightness issues are fixed for new Copper Pyra owners. If not, the fix for the Copper Pyra battery plate tightness is simple, but very...
  7. M

    Pyra without decent web browser?

    Have you considered using docker for your needs?
  8. M

    Pyra without decent web browser?

    Everyone forgets Lynx. :( And if you want the best of Lynx + modern web browsers, Linux Magazine clued me into Carbonyl existing.
  9. M

    The Pyra Video Suggestions Thread

    Prepaid SIM cards exist, and I think it's almost impossible to get a prepaid SIM card that doesn't include data. And are cheapish/last at least 60+ days according to this totally reputable fandom wiki link...
  10. M

    Pyra without decent web browser?

    Thanks you added a new thing for me to test out on my copper Pyra. :happy: flatpak + snap use lots of disk space. So I'm curious to see how much impact they have on the embedded 32GB Pyra storage.
  11. M

    The Pyra Video Suggestions Thread

    Does your Pyra have a 4G option? If so, is it possible to do a video showing GPS?
  12. M

    New copper cases are finally being assembled

    Yeah its a great device so far. Going to see if I can get something going with a ODB2 bluetooth dongle I have. Thanks for the link. Will definitely buy one of them.
  13. M

    New copper cases are finally being assembled

    Real world Pyra usage pt2: Checked my books read list with mousepad to see if I've read or encountered that interesting looking non-fiction book before (Search result was no). I then looked at 2 different sized PDF files at the same time on my Pyra unit. This was really lowkey impressive...
  14. M

    New copper cases are finally being assembled

    Sorry for the delay in posting. Real world stuff cropped up last week for me and didn't find time until yesterday to use my copper Pyra. Reinstalled Buster42 OS on my pyra and used synaptic package manager to install the following apps: firefox + iceweasel mousepad (I prefer mousepad over the...
  15. M

    New copper cases are finally being assembled

    I was a lazy pre-preorder who only finalized the order in February 2023. I'll have some pics for you by tomorrow afternoon.