Ein Ausblick auf 2014 (evildragon post aus dem englischen Fo


Forum Addict!
Staff member
Oct 24, 2008
Germany,, Saarland, at home
Frohes neues,
Ed hat mal wieder was neues geschrieben:

[quote ="EvilDragon" post="302322" timestamp="1388662521"]The new year has started - and I hope it did start well for you.

A fresh new year, new plans, new possibilities.
What will happen in Pandora and Pyra-Land?

I can at least give you some information.

1. FOSDEM 2014

Yes, we'll be at the FOSDEM again this year (taking place 1st and 2nd February in Brussels)
We'll have a table and I'll have a small talk in the gaming dev room - Saturday evening, 6 - 7pm.
Of course, we'll have some Pandoras there and I'll also talk about the Pandora in the devroom.
However, we might also have some information or even previews of the Pyra there.
Askarus will be there Saturday and Sunday the full days, while I will be there Saturday 2pm to 7pm and the full Sunday.

You're very welcome to visit us and get more information about the Pandora / Pyra.
I'm also open for any interviews, in case some of you are bloggers or even writing for magazines.

2. Alive and Kicking Coding Competition

Looking at the current list of entries, we'll see some awesome releases for the Pandora!
Thanks a lot to all devs participiating - it shows how lively the Pandora scene is.
A bright future :)

3. Pandoras and Craigs remaining customers

Hopefully, we'll be able to fulfill many more of Craigs remaining orders, but we have no idea how many that'll be.
We're trying to do our best, but Pandora stock is limited now due to some parts needed for Pandora production that have seen the end of life quite a while ago.
However, any customer who still remains after the last Pandora has been sold will be able to get the Pyra for production costs - whenever it might be ready.
I don't want to forget anyone, so I'm trying to offer whatever I can.

4. More partly defective Classic Pandoras

We still got over 100 defective boards from CC and will now focus on finding out if they are still usable in some way.
They will all be at the Pandora-Section at the DragonBox Shop, so be sure to check it out every once in a while to see if there's one that is of interest to you.
They're all units with brand new cases (most of them had some small scratches from the very beginning though) and PCBs which have one or more issues.

5. The DragonBox Pyra

With the Pandora reaching the end of production, when will the Pyra be available?
We have no idea. And looking back at the Pandora developments, I will NOT give any estimations.
But we'll work on it. And you will be able to follow us with videos and pictures I'll post.
We'll probably start with that after the FOSDEM.

Thanks to all of you - quite a few good ideas from the community will find their ways into the Pyra.
And with a capable production company from the very beginning as well as a case company in Europe, things are looking a lot better.

It'll most probably still be a while until it's finished. So in case you're thinking about getting a Pandora or wait for the successor, I'd get a Pandora now - as stock is limited.

So much for a peek into 2014. If you have any further questions, let me know :)[/quote]
Re: AW: Ein Ausblick auf 2014 (evildragon post aus dem engli

<r>@ED wenn du das hier lesen solltest.<br/>
Bin immer noch interessiert an einem defektem 1GHZ Board wo nur der Displayport defekt ist aber das Board mit TV Out noch funktioniert.<br/>
Irgendwie hats damals mit der Kommunikation nicht so geklappt.<br/>
Würde mich freuen wenn du es noch hast und in den Shop aufnimmst <E>;)</E><br/>
Will immer noch kaufen <E>;)</E></r>