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  1. P

    Ripping Ps Games On Osx?

    try QemuX ( it is free ) as an emulator for win95. I can't see other solution....
  2. P

    GP2X [c Coding] How Many Of The Same Value Are

    ok guys, the flood fill algorithme seems to work. Some minor change to do and it should be ok. Thanks for the help.
  3. P

    GP2X [c Coding] How Many Of The Same Value Are

    thanks all for answering. I think the flood fill algorithme is what i was looking for. I'm going to work around this. I should have thought about this.... My program just attemp to return the number of equal value connect to each other. I dunno how to be more clear, sorry. I know this code is...
  4. P

    GP2X [c Coding] How Many Of The Same Value Are

    hi there, it's been a long time ! :) After some stuff under GP32, i'm coming back for the GP2X :) i'm looking of a way of returning the number of the same value joined in an array. I don't want to use a recursive fonction because of the stack overheap. Here is my C code trying to do that with...
  5. P

    GP32 MISC assembler for ARM

    Great news and great work ! This, will allow newbee to have access to easy programing. But what about the compiler ? You have to port the dragon basic compiler, don't you ? I know anything about GBA programing ;) thank you for your work
  6. P

    GP32 load and display BMP

    you welcome, i'm happy that you solve the pb :) Go on like that :)
  7. P

    GP32 devkitadv problem with "cannot find cygwin1.dll"?

    i'm not sure of what is your pb. Do you have pb setting up the path ? this is easy under XP go to your variable environement setup in the user variable environement, if it does not exist, click 'new' and write 'path' then clik on edit or modify and add c:\devkitadv\bin that's all ! reboot if...
  8. P

    GP32 installing sdl...

    before porting 1st such a game you may try porting little demo or little game. You will encounters pb that you may solves. This experience will be usefull for you for a big project. There is no GP32 oriented exemple on the internet because SDL is a cross platform library. So if you learn this...
  9. P

    GP32 installing sdl...

    minigp32 don't work under linux. I wrote a tutorial on how to install the arm gcc cross toolchain under a linux distribution. It is quite easy. It is also easy to add the SDL lib from Chui to the linux gcc environement. If i have time i will post a tutorial on where to put exactly the lib...
  10. P

    GP32 load and display BMP

    Ok you were right ;) i remember now that it was hard to get it work. So i coded my own code inspired by this exemple. I did not found exactly why it did not work....I suspect the loop. For your warning i advise you to include SDL_image.h Here a package with the sources code i wrote, the .bmp...
  11. P

    GP32 load and display BMP

    well i can't see much where the mystake come from. maybe you should post more code........What are the 41 and 42 line ? this the exemple from cone3d website ? i compiled it a while ago.... If it is that i will try to compil it again.
  12. P

    GP32 load and display BMP

    Well, this means you use Geepee to run your code, no ? This means you have to use SMCmaker otherwise nothing can't run. When you use SMC maker you have to put the path like in the real gp32, like i wrote above. In SMC maker directories you have the same folders as your GP32. just create a DATA...
  13. P

    GP32 load and display BMP

    Well ofently it comes from a bad link to the image file. Here is the good way to set the path : screen = load_bitmap("gp:\\gpmm\\data\\my_image.bmp", 1); or my_screen = IMG_Load("gp:\\gpmm\\data\\my_image.bmp"); It depends on what function you used It is better to use name of less than 8...
  14. P

    GP32 minigp32 compiling...

    yes it is possible since it is based on devkitadv. But i think devkitadv is limited towards C++ compiling. i can't answer much since i code in C. But I've heard something like that from C++ coders. Maybe some of them can tell you much about it. I compiled with success, with the minigp32, C++...
  15. P

    GP32 Problems with minigp32

    hi ! Well i advise you to look to the tutorial on where i explain howto compil sdl stuff. It is the same way for the other sources. There is a test package to download with all you need to compil : gpstart.c crt0.o etc..... So i dunno yet why it does not work actually since...
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    GP32 New minigp32 dev environement is coming

    The sdl tutorial is online on check it to get tips on compilation, and porting SDL sources
  17. P

    GP32 SDL Setup Problems

    The minigp32's new tutorial is online. check it on
  18. P

    GP32 New minigp32 dev environement is coming

    you welcome i'm translating my tuto in english to port and compile sdl games. stay tuned
  19. P

    GP32 SDL Setup Problems

    well the 1st time you compile there is no makedepend file. if your makefile told it, the compiler create it. Else create ab empty file called Makedepend. But your pb is not that. You forgot to add cc1.exe in your bin directory. So grab it in the devkitadv kit. For a faster and easier way to...
  20. P

    GP32 New minigp32 dev environement is coming

    download the package here : installation is the same as the old package. create a new directory : c:\minigp32 and extract the package in it. add to your autoexec.bat or you variable environement ( XP, W2k ) the path : c:\minigp32\bin that's all ...