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  1. greenmikey

    Release Ginge

    Running gp2x games from pandora Broken List 1945 - Kicks back to menu,0,0,0,30,1286 2xRally - Displays windows graphic and plays sound, kicks to menu,0,0,0,27,2195 2xBand - Shows ultimate Fenix graphic...
  2. greenmikey

    Release Ginge

    For now I would use the WIZ version of Wind and Water. I know that, for me at least, if you go into the shop on the full version (maybe others) on gp2x it crashes. This does not happen on the WIZ version. BUG WIZ?:(I swear after beating the first 'vs battle' in story mode it says there are new...
  3. greenmikey

    Release Elemental 0.2 Released

    I am guilty of not reading the readme and I figured out how to restart the level. I guess I should invest more time into the obvious.
  4. greenmikey

    Release Elemental 0.2 Released

    well, this may not do much good, but I figured I would document it anyways. I was on level 3 and when I got to the exit it closed the program. I tried it again and it worked perfectly. I enjoy this alot! It would be cool if you could have a button to restart the level. There are lots of times...
  5. greenmikey

    Fails To Load Web Pages

    My netbook did not have any DNS server that it would connect to automatically. Once I put DNS servers in my browser options it worked. I have no clue why it did not revert to my isp's DNS but that is how I fixed my issue. I hope this helps. EDIT: I only know two off the top of my head and they...
  6. greenmikey

    After Using Sd Cards With The Pandora Other Computers Won't Read T

    I had a similar problem with not being able to read it on windows. I was able to read it on my hackintosh netbook. I backed everything up and formatted it in disk utility. I reformatted it in windows with the Panasonic formatter. I hope this doesn't happen again, but if it does, I'll get over...
  7. greenmikey

    Nub 1/2 Dead

    ^fast reply! I'll see what I can get from work or a neighbor. I have a broken leg and can't drive around where I need to go.
  8. greenmikey

    Nub 1/2 Dead

    I just got my Pandora yesterday (hurray!) and I quickly noticed that the left nub did not work as a mouse. I instead used the stylus and dpad to get through the initial set up. My symptoms are as follows: Left nub: Horizontal movement is great. Up movement is so limited that it may take 10 to...
  9. greenmikey

    Dingoo Pics I Stumbled Across

    Mod: please close this, I had no intention of anyone getting angry here and my original post is of no concern. OP.
  10. greenmikey

    Dingoo Pics I Stumbled Across

    This should probably be in off topic but I wasn't sure if it's on topic or not as I can't read Japanese. Summary: Hot Japanese girl has dingoo and posts pics of it here and there for the last month. I have no clue what this is though...
  11. greenmikey

    Usa Preorderers, Where Do You Live?

    It's great to see so many of us from Ohio here, considering statistically the amount of available units and how many people in the world and the need to have similar interests to by this thing I still think 7 is a lot. I had to add one other person from months ago I talked to who lives in...
  12. greenmikey

    Selling My Wiz

    Still available?
  13. greenmikey

    That New Pandora Smell

    Lyme Disease! I had Lyme disease for a while, but I caught it rather early and controlled it. I worked at a summer camp where like 3-4 people got it. I had half a paralyzed face and arthritis for a while. Other than that it was gone after some steroids. I read this article where some doctors say...
  14. greenmikey

    Flashlight For Gp2X Wiz

    I keep reading fleshlight instead of flashlight when I read this on the front page.
  15. greenmikey

    Gpsp V0.9-2xb-u6

    yea ill use it. Especially since I dropped my nintendo DS for a DS (think that was a mistake)
  16. greenmikey

    Pandora People Map

    You are added
  17. greenmikey

    Batch 2 Release Date

    Though new videos always seem to excite people and help them through the long wait (and there have been numerous video requests"]. I wonder what's in that video Craig started working on a few weeks back? That is on my mind too. I guess they want to show progress and not just more examples of...
  18. greenmikey

    Dosbox Fun

    If you are testing games willy nilly like that. I would be likely to play the following first: Lands of Lore, any of the kyrandia games (aren't these in scummvm now?), ultima underworld, and a little game I have never heard talk about but was super bad ass..capture the flag. I have to dig...
  19. greenmikey

    The Rabbit Joint

    Ruth rode my motorbike, directly in back of me. I hit a bump at 55 and rode on ruthlessly.
  20. greenmikey

    GP32 Gpsurfaceflip And Gpsurfaceset Take 24ms

    I put this on a card today. Then I got drunk, I can't find my gp32. I'm sorry.