Search results

  1. theehman

    [SOLVED] Can't open from SD/USB or run PNDs

    That was the problem. I was trying to double-click and run. I moved it to the Menu directory, ran it from the menu, and now it's updating. Thanks for the help!!
  2. theehman

    [SOLVED] Can't open from SD/USB or run PNDs

    Nope, nothing like that there. I have folders for HF4 and HF5, though.
  3. theehman

    [SOLVED] Can't open from SD/USB or run PNDs

    No ideas why the hf6 pnd won't run?
  4. theehman

    [SOLVED] Can't open from SD/USB or run PNDs

    With icon mode I can open and select files. Thanks for your help with that. Still can't get the HF6-Updater.pnd to run.
  5. theehman

    [SOLVED] Can't open from SD/USB or run PNDs

    Lately I've been having problems with opening movie or music files directly from the SD card/USB drive. Using Thunar File Manager I can navigate to the SD card or USB drive and see the top level of directories and files but I can't use touchscreen to select any of them. If I navigate to it...
  6. theehman

    No reply to RMA request

    I don't mind the wait time, I just want to get an RMA so I can ship it off for repair.
  7. theehman

    No reply to RMA request

    My Pandora has developed the "purple tint o' death" unless the lid is open all the way. I sent an email to openpandora sales on Monday but haven't heard anything back yet. I want to either send it back for repair or have a new LCD cable sent to me so I can replace it myself. How long does it...
  8. theehman

    Text color change in Minimenu?

    I was trying out Minimenu and I think I'd rather use it most of the time but when I bring up the menu with the Select button, I have a very hard time seeing what option I've selected when I scroll down the list as the color of the selected option is too similar to the non-selected option color...
  9. theehman

    Tracking Your Order

    I'm in the US. I got my email on Jan. 14 and the postman delivered it on Jan. 27. Your mileage may vary.
  10. theehman

    Post picks and first impressions of your shiny new Pandora here!

    Received my Pandora earlier today and it's great so far! Haven't been able to connect via wifi yet but I'm going to try it when I get home. Is there any way to check all the functions of the nubs, joystick, and shoulder buttons w/o loading individual apps/games for each? Pic of the Pandora...
  11. theehman

    How about some merchandise?

    I have a big head and hats aren't a viable option, although my kids enjoy getting their kicks by putting hats on me at the store and laughing about it.
  12. theehman

    Explaining The Pandora

    "In a world where many devices are chained by their manufacturers, the Pandora is unleashed to the full potential you deserve. You bought it, you decide what it can or can't do."
  13. theehman

    Usa Preorderers, Where Do You Live?

    Bloomington, IN
  14. theehman

    Is The Pandora For You?

    0K, ¥0µ'r3 4 h4(k3r. Nothing to worry about, it isn't a 'bad' thing, it means you'll be a good programmer, you'll play the games, and you'll make them!
  15. theehman

    Gps For Pandora?

    Did a search for GPS but nothing came up. Any possibility this would work assuming suitable software exists for the ARM system? USB GPS module
  16. theehman

    How Is Your Re-order Status?

    Just got my email yesterday that my transfer has been received and matched w/ my order. I'm stoked!!
  17. theehman

    Minor Re-payment / Preordering Update

    My offer is still open to do bank transfers for US residents. By pooling our orders into one transfer we can save on the transfer fees. I have an empty account I use just for transfers and would only need the payment plus a $10 fee for your share of the transfer fees and my trouble. PM me for...
  18. theehman

    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    Couple of suggestions: 1) Any reason why I couldn't purchase a VISA/AMEX/MC prepaid credit card and ship it to the Pandora team as payment for my Pandora? Saves transfer fees and probably transfer headaches. 2) Someone suggested a central US-based account that would collect all the US...
  19. theehman

    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    How about just sending a "share certificate" entitling you to redeem at a later date for a Pandora? It could include a unique coupon code that could be redeemed at checkout when placing the actual Pandora order at a later date e.g.: when you receive an email saying your Pandora is ready to be...