I bought it to Craigx but If you cover the shipping cost back to me when I decide to send to you my pandora I will pay my shipping cost. No problem for that.
Thank You again.
OK EvilDragon, thank you.
When all things are more quiet and while my pandora screen still works I will wait.
What kind of shipping would be? UPS, Postal.
Shipping charges are covered by the warranty?
Thank You craig I will send to ED but I don't remember my order number because I lost it when my computer crashed and I did not expect to use anymore :P
If necessary guess I can ask jaqueline for my order number telling her my personal data.
Have I pay the shipping or Can I send without...
My pandora starts to fail the display cable and starts to look purple only if I don't open the screen at all.
As I see things are a little satured and from what I read in the forums
I should send to EvilDragon with a note with what's wrong for repair to
Michael Mrozek
c/o Gepixelt GmbH...
To Notaz
Fuse emulator worked well in Hotfix5, then in hotfix6 failed and was returning to work well in hotfix6a4.
From Hotfix7 to SupperZaxxon Beta 3 fuse emulator has annoying constant ticking sound when play games.
Can you see that things changed because the audio still fails?
Fuse is...
Fuse Emulator has an annoying sound from Hotfix 7 to date, on hotfix6 alpha4 the sound is good. Can someone resolve this issue on SuperZaxxon or can't?
i tried roms from diferent sites with same result.
What size has your msh.zip rom?
My is 19.629KB
I'm choosing a list of the best roms and I with the letter R, I've only had problems with this rom :(
EDIT: Sorry I didn't see msh was reported not work, i will try with another rom of...
When i run Marvel Super Heroes i get a black screen with no sound and no errors.
my pndrun_panmame.out log is:
With Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter and Marvel Vs Capcom i get a black screen too.
But Vampire Savior rom has the same resolution that marvel games 384 x224 x59.63333...
Marvel Super Heroes does not work (return to menu) and EURO 951024 starts with black screen but advmame menu works.
Someone got it to work? I really love this game.
Wonderfull Work Mcobit this mame version is the best for pandora and my favourite emulator :wub:
For me Charging in normal mode is OK too.
Another thing:
Why can not move default firmware applications between categories on minimenu?
For example when I want move calculator from others to system it dont let me move or to a new custom category.
I want organizate my way, all I have...
Yeah I was in low_power mode.I will try later, now
will try your fix for midori and claws mail.
Thank you
EDIT: Your fix works great,midori and claw-mail works again.
Now I will charge my pandora to test in normal mode.
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