Search results

  1. H

    Bennu Tips And Fgp Files?

    Sorry for not be of more help... i'm spanish and my english is very basic. If you can try to learn sdl/c++ all the way! But it's a lot more complicated than BennuGd. Byes!
  2. H

    Bennu Tips And Fgp Files?

    The bests tutorials are in spanish... maybe you can use a translate tool for an english version? Oscar's Manual...
  3. H

    Metal Slug Zombies

    I know... it's a common say. If SNK or PLAYMORE or who have the rights of Metal Slug send me a cease and desist letter i will stop of course. Byes
  4. H

    Bennu Tips And Fgp Files?

  5. H

    Metal Slug Zombies

    It's a fan made game and it's for free... the contest was a made for fun contest with no prizes. No money gain = no worries! Just enjoy!
  6. H

    Metal Slug Zombies

    Windows version mirror: Any feedback is welcomed!
  7. H

    Metal Slug Zombies

    My last game ranked 3rd at "Comcurso Relampago Navideño 2011". Metal Slug Zombies Gameplay Video: Downloads: WIZ:,0,0,0,27,575 CAANOO:,0,0,0,3,835 WINDOWS...
  8. H

    Whats Your Favorite Game?

    spam! xddd && Sorr fot the win!
  9. H

    Bennugd Touchscreen Support?

    Yes you can! It's very easy. It's coded like if it was the mouse... Mouse.x Mouse.y mouse.left (touch screen) You know how to code anything in Bennu? Byes PD: No multitouch like iphone...
  10. H


    Anarchy says that it can play "Cave Story" well so... incredible piece of software!
  11. H

    Game Maker Program

    Fenix is not suported in Pandora but Bennu GD (Fenix upgrade) is.
  12. H

    Sega Cd On The Wiz

    You need the SegaCd/MegaCD Bios... read the readme to more details. Byes
  13. H

    Favorite Wiz Additions

    Try my games: PUZSION A puzzle game similar to animatch. Fun and addicting. Shock Troopers Base Defense A "Tower Defense Game". It's not completed yet but is very fun... shotgun rools. Nice gfx. Byes! PD: Autopromotion rools!
  14. H

    Wiz Programming

    I recomend you Bennu. It's simple and easy to learn yet very powerful. Go to for more info.
  15. H

    Coding 'Black Typhoon' for the next gp32spain wiz contest!

    Coding 'Black Typhoon' for the next gp32spain wiz contest!
  16. H

    Coding 'Black Typhoon' for the next gp32spain wiz contest!

    Coding 'Black Typhoon' for the next gp32spain wiz contest!
  17. H

    Some Changes In Gp32Spain Wiz Contest

    Nice! Your games always are good games!
  18. H

    Gp32Spain - Wiz Gp2X Programming Contest

    Probably in few hours/days an anounciament will be made from gp32spain opening the competition to all type of games. Great!
  19. H

    Gp32Spain - Wiz Gp2X Programming Contest

    Yes, after my previous games Shock Troopers Base Defense and Puzsion i will make a spacial shooter writted in Bennu for this conest. Good Luck to every one!
  20. H

    Meritous Wiz Port

    I love this kind of game. Great with amazingly large map. Thanks!