Search results

  1. H

    Gp2x = Extreme Durability

    The same damage happened to me when dropping it on concrete from about 15cm. Was scared cause it wouldn't start but in the end it proved resistant.
  2. H

    Breakout Box Instruction Manual

    This version looks pretty small (which is good). I hope the case will be lite enough to keep it portable. Jimmy, maybe we can get some internet connection if we connect a mobile phone with internal modem and internet access to it. But the GP2X would probably need drivers for that...
  3. H

    Gp32 On Gp2x

    No, but some of them have been ported...
  4. H

    Usb Device Not Recognized

    Exxentrix, how old are you? Because you act like a child angry at his mom for not doing whatever he wants to. How about taking a mature, logical approach to this problem instead of whining and involving others into your "insanity"? This kind of attitude won't get you anywhere in life. If you...
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    Techfreak's Dpad Mod! It's Free...

    Indeed GP2Xengine does it and it is great. I propose that every emulator implement this feature. It's really useful for certain games. Pretty please?
  6. H


    Which one?
  7. H

    Gp2x In Romania?

    Salut :) I think there are quite a few sellers that ship to Romania. I got mine from because it had the cheapest one (170$ without shipping). But be warned that unless you can make a "deal" at the customs, you'll also have to pay taxes of about 34% of the total price. I don't know...
  8. H

    Jagged Alliance 2?

    Wow, didn't know JA2's source had been released. But I fear the port would be very difficult... Edit: wow, I see there's an official Linux version as well, done by these guys: Edit 2: Compiling tutorial
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    Replacement Caps Now Available

    Won't that GP2X writing hurt my finger when used long?
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    Alexkidd2x V0.1 Released

    Thanks for this fast emulator. Also it seems to have saving so at last I'll be able to play-through a non-keyboard version of Ultima 4. Volume control would be good... Ultima 4 seems to have really loud music.
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    2xmark '06, The Alternative Gamer's Benchmark

    I got ~14500 marks on 200Mhz.
  12. H

    Help, Urgent For Firmware 2.0.0

    This happened to me too. Eventually I rebooted and held START + SELECT pressed at the beginning and this time it didn't crash anymore.
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    Play-asia Coupon

    I've got one too to give but it expires on 22 Apr. so hurry if you want to use it...
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    Gp2x Reader

    Everyone grab a wheelchair and roleplay Stephen Hawking!
  15. H

    Retro Gaming Radio Love Gp2x

    And how about a link for the lazy people who want to get the stream directly? Hmm I see several shows had a bit about GP2X... I think this one is the lastest.
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    Gp2xpectrum Hack (for Cramfs)

  17. H

    Quake Mods

    I've tried the reaper bot and it works. What other mods are worth installing?
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    Sorry, this is illegal, as is using eMule to search for "gp2x day of the tentacle", downloading it and playing it - so don't do it.
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    New Firmware Due @ End Of Month (ish)

    Thanks for the tip. I noticed they also added usbmon.exe for download....
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    Atari St Roms.

    Check your PM and in the future don't ask like this in public...