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  1. fett42

    Phoneme For Wiz

    Does anyone have the phone game Action Hero 3D? I got a charger for my old phone so I could download it to my computer. However, it was deactivated to save space on my phone and I can't reactivate it since that phone doesn't have service.
  2. fett42

    Roydsstick Ex Arcade Fighting Stick For Ps3 For Sale

    I relisted the RoydsStick on eBay and lowered the starting price.
  3. fett42

    Ketm (Kill Everything That Moves) Wiz

    I'd love to try out other mods for KETM. The game is a lot of fun. Thanks for porting it to the Wiz.
  4. fett42

    New Additions To The Prboom Wad Collection

    Do you have the full version WAD for Doom 2? If not you will need it. If you do, try deleting the prboom folder and all of it's contents from your SD card. Then put everything back on the card. I know it sounds like a pain in the butt, but I've done this before and it sometimes fixes a program...
  5. fett42

    Roydsstick Ex Arcade Fighting Stick For Ps3 For Sale

    I have a barely used RoydsStick EX for the PS3 for sale on eBay right now. The arcade stick will also work with PC, just plug-and-play on Windows XP and up. This arcade fight stick is pretty nice. The only reason I'm selling it is I decided I'd rather use a normal controller than an arcade...
  6. fett42

    Possible To Port Pekka Kana 2 ?

    Is it even possible to port something that requires DirectX?
  7. fett42


    Oh yeah, I forgot about mentioning the change to OpenGL. I do have my prboom set to OpenGL. It seemed like switching to OpenGL improved performance a little when I first made the change. Maybe I imagined it though.
  8. fett42


    Interesting, because it runs smooth for me. Normal Doom and Doom 2 don't have any issues on my end. For some of the conversions I have to overclock the Wiz to 600MHz or 700MHz for it to run smooth, but it does run smooth. I'm not noticing any jerkiness, but maybe I'm not as picky about it.
  9. fett42

    New Additions To The Prboom Wad Collection

    Awesome! Thank you for the additions Mr.. Twist. It is much appreciated. :D
  10. fett42

    Gaming League

    So it would be the honor system, as in trusting people to not lie about their score? I'm just wondering how you know that someone scored 10,000,000 points without the proof. I would suggest Wind & Water: Puzzle Battles or Propis, but both of those games are paid-for and not everyone has them...
  11. fett42

    Setting Up An Sd Card

    Mac or PC, it shouldn't make a difference when setting up the SD card. On the root of the SD card make a folder called game. Put each folder containing a game or emulator in the game folder. The .ini files, if you have any, need to be in the game folder too, not the folder containing the game or...
  12. fett42

    Descent 2 Port Wanted

    If the button mapping worked properly like Descent 1, then I'd love to play Descent 2 on the Wiz. In my opinion, Descent 2 is a superior game.
  13. fett42

    Cloud's Diary (Wip)

    I like direct mode more than using the diagonal. The game is definitely fun, I can't wait to play more of it.
  14. fett42

    Escape From Zombie City

    Is that a Michael Jackson Thriller zombie I see in that screenshot. LOL This game looks awesome. I can't wait to try it out.
  15. fett42

    Can't Get Wad Files To Work With Prboom

    Here is an example of the script you'd use. This is adding "echo 2" to 007goldeneye.gpe which is used to launch the 007 Goldeneye Doom 2 conversion. #!/bin/sh echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment ./prboom -config prboom.cfg -iwad wad/doom2.wad -file wad/007goldeneye.wad > prboom.log.txt 2>&1 sync cd...
  16. fett42

    Cloud's Diary (Wip)

    "Woah!" is the first thing I said when I saw the pictures. That looks like it will be a really fun game when it is completed.
  17. fett42

    [Wiz] Bennugd/gph Contest Winners

    Puzion is an awesome game. It seems like a premium/paid-for game. There are some other cool games too.
  18. fett42

    Can't Get Wad Files To Work With Prboom

    That's kind of weird, because they work for me without that line of script.
  19. fett42

    Fresh News From Gph: Fungp And More Games

    It seems like a frontend similar to capex. Hitting menu + select brings up a menu similar to that of capex when you hit menu + select. Also, when it loads a game, it does it in the same manner as capex. You'd have to see it for yourself to know what I mean.
  20. fett42

    Fresh News From Gph: Fungp And More Games

    That'd be cool. I'd definitely take a fix for the translation of Propis and Deicide 3.