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  1. G

    Help connecting to wifi

    Hey ! It's quite straightforward actually. You simply just need to click to the network of your choice, and then enter the password when invited to.
  2. G

    Drifting nubs

    What intrigued me was the fact that I could not reproduce this behaviour (namely make the joysticks drift) with the mouse cursor on the desktop (whereas it was almost instantaneous in games, with emulators as Reicast, PCSX-rearmed, and Duckstation). So I then pursued my inquiry and tried the FPS...
  3. G

    Drifting nubs

    So I finally peeled off the sticker, and discovered there is no screw under it... Therefore unless there is another solution which I don't know about, it seems to me that this is an hardware problem that cannot be fixed unless by replacing the nubs...
  4. G

    Drifting nubs

    I loosened the screw near the heatsink, and the two visible ones inside the battery compartment. The device is now dangerously unstable, and ... did this not change anything. My only hope would be that there is another screw beneath the sticker and try to loosen it; but I don't want to peel it...
  5. G

    Drifting nubs

    I tested the nubs with "jstest-gtk" and it clearly showed that they both often got stuck in a certain direction. So it clearly is an hardware problem. This problem was already discussed there : To which ED answered ...
  6. G

    Pyra xkb layout file suggested language variants

    As I never coded a lot, I would not have the slightest idea on how to improve the official one in that regard (and even when I did code, I only used the keyboard layout which was standard in my country :p)... Any ideas ?
  7. G

    Drifting nubs

    Hi ! As I was testing some emulators on my Pyra, I realised that the nubs (or at least the left one) were drifting a lot, so much in fact that it made playing with them almost impossible (it happened on several emulators, both on Buster and on Bookworm). Oddly enough, I could not reproduce this...
  8. G

    Pyra xkb layout file suggested language variants

    Hi ! I propose that we share in this thread the variants of the pyra xkb layout file that we created for our own languages. French variant : Pyra-fr Here is mine, a french variant, called "pyra-fr". The changes made in the "pyra" official keyboard layout are as follows : (The keys "é" and...
  9. G

    Mended pyra xkb layout file

    So it was on purpose... (I would have not guessed... When I need to display a dead key, I just press it twice ^^.) Then I guess the "pyra-mended" xkb file is the only relevant one (since it corrects what is clearly a mistake). Thanks for telling me, and thanks for the links :).
  10. G

    Mended pyra xkb layout file

    Hi ! I happened to notice that the letters "é", on the "R" key, and "è", on the "T" key, were in fact inverted on the "pyra" xkb layout file (consequently, if you pressed "é" on the attached keyboard of the pyra, it would actually display "è" on the screen, and vice versa). So I created a new...