2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

Well made though it may be, I don't think that that pandora-girl is very representative of the Pandora :P

The Pandora is not a pretty machine. It's a machine capable of doing many awesome things. It's rugged(ish) and practical.

That image seems more to represent a PSP or something. Pretty, fashionable, and vacuous.

Maybe the pandora-girl could be some kinda slightly thick-set mechanic with a multi-tool in one hand, a QWERTY keyboard in the other, and with a look of open-ness and intelligence. Perhaps the picture could suggest that she's late for something :P

Of course, I can't draw :(

EDIT: Not to seem unreasonable to the creator. It's a fine piece of artwork. I'm just picky about the personifications of hardware :P
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Fast post is fast... faster than I. :P


There's actually been a number of changes to her design that I haven't shown since I posted that version.

Getting a bit off-topic tho.

Edit: I lol'd at the idea she's late for something.
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Sorry for the off topic diversion and yes, -Tj- s (how does one punctuate that?) tan girl is perhaps not representative of Pandora.

Afterall, where's my headset, bluetooth headphones, paedometer, blue or otherwise mini metal pandora necklace, or even a sniff of any high tech Pandora emblazoned attire, let alone any BDSM wear? Hell I haven't even got a TV out cable, yet alone one I can plug into my leg yet!

Were all late for everything roundhere but its a Rebirth soon and frankly -Tj- avatar is looking mightly reborn. I think he should work on more artwork for the company and that the company should work on incorporating a new image, to go with the new launch. At the least there was some prior program that could use artwork to animate a 'safety pin' in windows and on Pandora some kind of anime desktop character or something and I think, its a potentially worthwhile gimick.
The Pandora is not a pretty machine. It's a machine capable of doing many awesome things. It's rugged(ish) and practical.

Hmm.. I would say Pandora is so "cruel looking" it's turning beautiful. That means, it's actually most finest looking handheld ever made! :wub:
Hmm.. I would say Pandora is so "cruel looking" it's turning beautiful. That means, it's actually most finest looking handheld ever made! :wub:
I don't know what your Pandoras look like, but I think mine is pretty beautiful. Scars and all. :(
Sorry ED it has been several weeks since my last post.

Rebuild my PC and have had more than fun with EFI, GPT, w7, ubuntu and CentOS.

Still my problems are nothing compared to those you solve daily.

I've had my Pandora some time now and I am still using it daily. I just love it. As I premium-ed so I'm going to find it tough to justify the extra funds upgrading the PCB. Although I mostly desktop...when not running PCSX ReARMed r13.

Great to read the update and great to hear there is progress.

You still sound sane and that's a miracle bonus. :P
Look, if you are mad about getting the unit later than new preorderers, why not just cancel your preorder and get one now? You will pay more (the preorder price right now is higher than back then) but you will also be getting it faster. I seriously can't understand why people can't follow the idea behind ED's great options given to you.

I'm neither a new or an old preorderer, and I would understand being angry about the delays, but at least I could get a refund at any time. Or guarantee to get my unit faster by paying the difference in preorder prices.
Hi everyone

I'm an original pre-orderer from back in November 2010, towards the back of the original 4,000 of batch 1 I would estimate. I'm in the UK so I guess my pre-order is with Craig's queue?

Anyway this is all good news that things are progressing!

If I wanted to upgrade to the newer 512MB Pandora but am prepared to keep my place in the queue (ie: non premium Pandora), is there a way I can do that?

How much would that cost?

Cheers, B
Hi everyone

I'm an original pre-orderer from back in November 2010, towards the back of the original 4,000 of batch 1 I would estimate. I'm in the UK so I guess my pre-order is with Craig's queue?

Anyway this is all good news that things are progressing!

If I wanted to upgrade to the newer 512MB Pandora but am prepared to keep my place in the queue (ie: non premium Pandora), is there a way I can do that?

How much would that cost?

Cheers, B
Well just waiting will get you a 512MB unit, there are no more 256MB modules left and all future Pandora's will be made with 512MBs.. Paying the difference will just speed up your order. And make Evil Dragon happy.
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With respect, your utter lack of financial planning on this project is not our problem. I ordered my Pandora in June 2009; that's nearly three years ago. I paid my money at the time and I have been waiting since.

To read that if I'd saved my money and placed an order *now*, I'd get my machine quicker (of which the logical extension is that I (and all the early 'pre-orders') *financed* the newbies getting their machines quicker!), is a kick in the teeth.

Over the past three years there are many occasions were that 250 GBP (or however much it was exactly) could have been very useful; but rather than cancelling the order and getting a refund, I decided to believe that when production resumed, your most loyal customers would get the treatment they deserve. Apparently I was far off the mark.

Not cool. Seriously not cool.

and fucking this. Say it out aloud: not cool.
I guess you didn't notice that the person whose quotes you're cherrypicking from the start of the thread, went on to have a fairly good exchange with ED. It's worth reading the thread if you want an understanding of exactly what's happening. You might even become a little less angry.

I have some questions regarding the upgrade program and the new Pandoras:

- Will it be possible to upgrade from a "classic" Pandora to a complete "Made in Germany" unit (not only the PCB) ?

- Will the LCD cable (responsible for the ghosting effect ?) be exchanged with the PCB ?

- Could someone tell me all the differences there will be between a classic unit and a new unit ? If I understand correctly, the new units will have 512MB RAM, a new PCB and a newer kernel, am I right ?

- Are we sure the WiFi issues will be solved ?

- Will the build quality be better (ie: no more cracks, dying nubs, etc...?)

There is a lot of activity right now on the GIT repository, I just can't wait to try the new hotfix :)

Bye and thanks,

Magic Sam
As the kernel is software, the new kernel shouldn't be specific to German pandoras, although they will not be able to use the full 512MB RAM without it.
- Will it be possible to upgrade from a "classic" Pandora to a complete "Made in Germany" unit (not only the PCB) ?

Right now, the only difference IS the PCB ;)

- Will the LCD cable (responsible for the ghosting effect ?) be exchanged with the PCB ?

It won't make the ghosting effect go away completely (that's also partly due to the LCD specs), but I think it looks better.

And yes, I'll replace any old LCD cable with a new one, as the old one might break at some time.

- Could someone tell me all the differences there will be between a classic unit and a new unit ? If I understand correctly, the new units will have 512MB RAM, a new PCB and a newer kernel, am I right ?

We keep the software consistent with both units.

The new kernel will work on both units, not just the new one.

The software is the same.

Besides the RAM, the new units have a newer revision of the OMAP which has some bugs fixed (like the SD-to-SD-Copy bug) as well as a newer version of the SGX included.

- Are we sure the WiFi issues will be solved ?

No, as the WiFi issues are incompatibilities between the module and some routers, unless a completely new module would be used, nothing changes there.

- Will the build quality be better (ie: no more cracks, dying nubs, etc...?)

The dying nubs have been resolved since December 2010, only the units before those had dying nubs.

The case is still the same, although we get cases in March which have been slightly tweaked to prevent some cracks.
- Are we sure the WiFi issues will be solved ?

No, as the WiFi issues are incompatibilities between the module and some routers, unless a completely new module would be used, nothing changes there.

My previous laptop has the same issue, 1/3rd of the wifi access points I've tried don't interact well with the on-board wifi while the other 2/3rd connected fine.

I had to change my home router, and carry an external USB wifi adapter ( they cost around 25$ ) just in case when traveling or use wired ethernet.

that stuff happens.

my new laptop with another WIFI module from the same manufacturer as the old one works great, its one of those YMMV things.
Nothing will change there, as it's part of the OMAP3530 and that will still be the SoC in use. The RAM module is the new component, it is effectively piggybacked onto the OMAP.
Nothing will change there, as it's part of the OMAP3530 and that will still be the SoC in use. The RAM module is the new component, it is effectively piggybacked onto the OMAP.
ED mentioned somewhere that these SoCs, purchased later, had a bunch of slight changes over the originals, mostly bug fixes, but also said something about "newer SGX". I'm going to take a guess at that also meaning minor bug fixes in the SGX, not anything that you're likely to notice.