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Leet words of concern or indicating possible illegal activity:

"warez" or "w4r3z": Illegally copied software available for download.

"h4x": Read as "hacks," or what a malicious computer hacker does.

"pr0n": An anagram of "porn," possibly indicating the use of pornography.

"sploitz" (short for exploits): Vulnerabilities in computer software used by hackers.

"pwn": A typo-deliberate version of own, a slang term often used to express superiority over others that can be used maliciously, depending on the situation. This could also be spelled "0\/\/n3d" or "pwn3d," among other variations. Online video game bullies or "griefers" often use this term.


I can understand the first four, but the last one??????

That's so damn common, if it indicated 'concerning or illegal activity', then half the people on the interweb would probably be in on it.

Hehe - the whole article looks like some attempt by MS to train up 'trendy' dads or something...
I pwn a box of chocolates...

EDIT: oh great I'm being sent to prison

This post has been edited by Goity at 20:24 on 20th December 2005
"Typo-deliberate" means that it´s "mutated" from a typo to a word of its own, just like "teh" is also originally a typo, but is now written on purpose. We all know how the term "pwned" became popular- it was a typo in Warcraft; when a player was defeated, a message like "XY was pwned by XY" came up.
That´s funny, a coder moves his finger 1cm too far to the right and creates a new term...