Autorun For Gp32


1337 T045T
Jul 9, 2004
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You may have noticed the thread "Neat tricks for your GP32" by FabreNZ.
He suggested using autorun on the GP. I made a small autorun package wich may be useful for someone. if you like it, I'll try to make it less ugly. it is 2 *.bat files now, i think it could be one...

What this autorun package basically does (if you install it right) is comparing a folder on your PC with the content of your SMC (and send information about your roms and mp3s to me :ph34r:, just kidding :D), adding missing files to the SMC and deleting files that are not on the PC any more.
All that it does when you plug it in and have autorun activated and installed it correctly

try it out, the attached *.zip contains everything you need, including a readme

please feedbackView attachment 165

Yaeh I'm on the frontpage ((: has anyone got it working yet? I cant because my litestep kills all autorun....

and evildragon, it doesnt only work with a card reader. it should work with the gp32-->mass storage thingie, too...GPdrive it's called i think
I use a 2 line script and rsync from cygwin to do the same thing, pretty easy to add an incremental tar onto it or a "level 0" backup also. Still batch files are probally a lot easier for most people - great work!
it will erase everything that is not in your pc folder.... call it a virtual GP wich automatically is copied to the real one if you plug it in
I think that deleting part would be really annoying, for example for savegames, as has already been stated.... I have just downloaded it, I think a batch that does not delete would be a lot more useful. Nilsiboy, you have written the original Batch, so I respect your code and won't modify it unless you allow me to, else it would be a good idea for you I think ;)
just change the "2" in folders.bat to a "1". voila, it copies :D if you set "0" it only deletes
What this autorun package basically does (if you install it right) is comparing a folder on your PC with the content of your SMC (and send information about your roms and mp3s to me :ph34r:, just kidding :D), adding missing files to the SMC and deleting files that are not on the PC any more.
All that it does when you plug it in and have autorun activated and installed it correctly

What about one that does it the other way around? ie when you plug your SMC in it updates the folder that is on the PC to match the SMC inserted.

I think that could be very useful too.
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just change the ...umm....argh... i dont know the word... put the second folder on first position and the first on second.
you can select two folders on your pc if you want.
you acn select two folders on the GP32 if you want.
anyway, if you want to sync a pc folder to gp, just enter the pc folder where it says GP32 folder and the GP32 folder where it says PC folder.

but remember, it checls only one time when you plug it in, it does NOT sync every change you make in your source folder.
mhhh.... have to work on that....

okay, found the problem. autorrun.inf cant start *.bat files. so could anyone send me a tool that converts *bat to *exe or give me advice on how to make an exe that starts a bat?
Try using " /C BATCHFILENAME"; might work... depends on whether you can run .com files as well or not. If not, not a clue without getting people to download another program.

EDIT: forgot the /C
ok revival,
I'll use a free tool to turn a bat into exe, but now, you have to press enter and see an ad. if you dont care, download and try it
