Can somebody think of a nice task for the keyboard guys :D


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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Apparently they to much time on their hands, maybe there are some nice articles for the wiki to be typed, some coding to do, some advertisements to be made....

:p (maybe its just me but these layout discussions seem like an endless semi-pointless debate that will only be settled when ED desides on a layout)
Not really, I do have another idea though. :)

Apparently they to much time on their hands, maybe there are some nice articles for the wiki to be typed, some coding to do, some advertisements to be made....

:p (maybe its just me but these layout discussions seem like an endless semi-pointless debate that will only be settled when ED desides on a layout)
Shouldn't be hurtful to others for their efforts to make the layout much better than the Pandora's. This goes for all of you here who liked and agreed with the devaluing statement made by bosbeetle above. We already live in a world in which people settle for second and third rate and who evoke the contemporary mantra "why bother, it's good enough". A person should be allowed to use their free time as they will without ridicule by individuals or cliques. This extended respectful kindness should be especially true from a forum whose members are more likely the outcasts or misfits of typical society:
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We already live in a world in which people settle for second and third rate and who evoke the contemporary mantra "why bother, it's good enough".
But seriously, I think you are taking bosbeetle's statement way too seriously.

And when we are talking about the world in general: The main problem is not that people ridicule others, it's that lots of people don't do anything interesting because they fear they could be ridiculed or something - they should just fucking do it, don't care about the others.

Write another 10k words on keyboard layouts if you want. That's your well deserved right. And it's my right to think your priorities are fucked up if you do and ridicule you for that. You don't need to agree with me or take me seriously at all. Do what you want, but don't expect others to agree it's the right thing to do.

Only very distantly related:
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We already live in a world in which people settle for second and third rate and who evoke the contemporary mantra "why bother, it's good enough".

But seriously, I think you are taking bosbeetle's statement way too seriously.

And when we are talking about the world in general: The main problem is not that people ridicule others, it's that lots of people don't do anything interesting because they fear they could be ridiculed or something - they should just fucking do it, don't care about the others.

Write another 10k words on keyboard layouts if you want. That's your well deserved right. And it's my right to think your priorities are fucked up if you do and ridicule you for that. You don't need to agree with me or take me seriously at all. Do what you want, but don't expect others to agree it's the right thing to do.
It's because you refuse to think of what happens when people continually cross the line with one another. When they forget to observe this line of individual respect it becomes blurred, and eventually wiped away. ;)   
It's because you refuse to think of what happens when people continually cross the line with one another. When they forget to observe this line of individual respect it becomes blurred, and eventually wiped away. ;)
I wouldn't say so. I can still respect you as an individual while joking about something you do. Or as an other example I don't tend to accept or respect the religions of others (unless it's a really untypical religion), but I can still accept and respect them as persons. Sometimes in that case it's smarter not to say what you think about that aspect of them, but here in this case I don't see why I would do that. In real life I as a firm antichristian have made music during church services in a rehab hospital because that's a nice thing to do for those ill, mostly older people. Here I guess if I'd worn that shirt it had been counter productive, but other than I don't see a problem with wearing it (and offending lots of people that way. Though I've only ever played with the thought of ordering it because the shipping cost from that shop are too high for only two or so good t-shirts).
it's that lots of people don't do anything interesting because they fear they could be ridiculed or something
Coming from someone that this applies to, I think part of the reason is that people tend to overestimate what the consequences will be. My own example of overestimating consequences is telling people about my relationship with Miku, what I expected to happen is for everyone on the forums to constantly take the piss day after day after day, what actually happened is very little piss taking + we got our own thread. :)
Apparently they to much time on their hands, maybe there are some nice articles for the wiki to be typed, some coding to do, some advertisements to be made....

:p (maybe its just me but these layout discussions seem like an endless semi-pointless debate that will only be settled when ED desides on a layout)
Shouldn't be hurtful to others for their efforts to make the layout much better than the Pandora's. This goes for all of you here who liked and agreed with the devaluing statement made by bosbeetle above. We already live in a world in which people settle for second and third rate and who evoke the contemporary mantra "why bother, it's good enough". A person should be allowed to use their free time as they will without ridicule by individuals or cliques. This extended respectful kindness should be especially true from a forum whose members are more likely the outcasts or misfits of typical society:
I agree with this completly however they seemed to be kind of stuck in a loop... something that only ED can solve. It wasn't ment as a bad remark but more as an option for some focussing.. at the time there were aboput 5 topics running that were exactly the same with only about 5 people really contributing, I want an as good enough keyboard as well however it seemed to go in a direction where it was just listing every option available :p

So yes this was just a tongue in cheek thing... and like the soundcloud shows I also like to do pointless stuff :) And I wont stop anybody doing stuff they like however if there was a really great suggestion by somebody in this thread as an alternative 'hobby'  for some people it would be a good thing.
 A person should be allowed to use their free time as they will
and that includes ridiculing others :)

As for me, I respect the efforts you, wb et al have put into making better keyboard layouts, but the threads and even polls are rather overwhelming.
it's that lots of people don't do anything interesting because they fear they could be ridiculed or something
Coming from someone that this applies to, I think part of the reason is that people tend to overestimate what the consequences will be. My own example of overestimating consequences is telling people about my relationship with Miku, what I expected to happen is for everyone on the forums to constantly take the piss day after day after day, what actually happened is very little piss taking + we got our own thread. :)
"We"?  YOU have your own thread for spamming your fetishes. Nobody cares about them. You just keep spamming and spamming and spamming them to this forum, everyday, so that you are in the first page of "new posts". That, in my opinion, constitutes an abuse of this forum.

Isnt there a sexually-attracted-to-imaginary-figures forum somewhere better suited to you?
We already live in a world in which people settle for second and third rate and who evoke the contemporary mantra "why bother, it's good enough".

But seriously, I think you are taking bosbeetle's statement way too seriously.

And when we are talking about the world in general: The main problem is not that people ridicule others, it's that lots of people don't do anything interesting because they fear they could be ridiculed or something - they should just fucking do it, don't care about the others.

Write another 10k words on keyboard layouts if you want. That's your well deserved right. And it's my right to think your priorities are fucked up if you do and ridicule you for that. You don't need to agree with me or take me seriously at all. Do what you want, but don't expect others to agree it's the right thing to do.
It's because you refuse to think of what happens when people continually cross the line with one another. When they forget to observe this line of individual respect it becomes blurred, and eventually wiped away. ;)   
I have a theory - we were all being far to civil in the keyboard threads with each other and their ideas.  This resulted in a boring conversation, but the uninterested felt compelled to read on anyway.  Apparently they are hoping for some good old fashioned flame wars or something.

They're keyboard threads.  They're clearly labeled.  In them we are dreaming up and bouncing around ideas for novel keyboard arrangements that may or may not influence the layout on the upcoming Pyra.  If people are not interested in keyboards, they can skip them.

Keyboards may not excite the masses, but it's important to get a working solution.  Everyone expects that.
Keyboards may not excite the masses
Well that's what I would have expected. But the numbers and length of each threads tell clearly otherwise. That's probably why this thread : there way more talk around keyboards then expected. But hey that's it, there nothing personal :p

but it's important to get a working solution.  Everyone expects that.
Nobody here would disagree.
Keyboards may not excite the masses
Well that's what I would have expected. But the numbers and length of each threads tell clearly otherwise.
I think that is wrong. A handful of people, not "masses", contribute to the keyboard threads.
There are not that many people who have a Pandora, and only a small fraction of that small population really use the Pandora keyboard very intensively. So it's not surprising that only a handful of people have strong opinions about the Pyra keyboard layout.

The length of the keyboard layout threads is mostly explained by the fact that it's just a hard problem to solve: there's only a limited number of keys available, and we want to simultaneously maximize their usefulness, ergonomy, conceptual simplicity, efficiency, and æsthetics (most of these criteria are inherently hard to quantify and/or to some extent a matter of personal taste), under a wide range of potential use cases (text writing from irc chatting to writing books, coding, command-line stuff, etc.), in a large amount of languages/locales, and taking into account existing layouts like the Pandora layout and standards like ANSI and ISO.
 A person should be allowed to use their free time as they will
and that includes ridiculing others :)

As for me, I respect the efforts you, wb et al have put into making better keyboard layouts, but the threads and even polls are rather overwhelming.
I agree there are a few too many not wholly dissimilar threads on the topic. I would've liked them appended to the Unofficial Keyboard thread. Was becoming tiresome in there though with just little ole' me posting those bombastic updates I was that were essentially moving a minute portion of punctuation.  :p

Anyways, group hug.
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