Compo4all poll (poll ended!)

Choose your favorite games

  • Bomb Jack

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Mappy

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Elevator Action

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja (continues)

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Rastan (continues)

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Terra Cresta

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Circus Charlie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gyrus

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Time Pilot

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters


Advanced Member
Sep 7, 2010
The following games have been tested and should be possible to be added to the games available for compo4all /

The 5 most popular games will be added to the list by Skeezix. He is a busy guy so that is why the requests are now tested and bundled by me. Hopefully this helps him to spend some time on other awesome stuff (like his RL) ;)

So please choose your favorite game. If I added continues to the title of the game, it means the game allows continues. 

I also included some other questions, just to have an idea what 'the community' wants or needs. Voting is private. 

BTW. You can check more than one game or more than one answer to the question. 
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I'm a little confused (as usual). Five additional games? I understand they'll be added to C4A, but in a sense will they be this (next) month's games - the ones we should focus on beating, as they're the ones that count and the winners at month end will have their names recorded for posterity (or until ED turns off the servers, whichever comes sooner)? Or is it just about expanding the roster of games in C4A?
Just expanding the roster --

C4A tracks 'monthly' and 'all time' scores, always. (Unless we reset the all-time sometime, but I don't expect to do that.) All games are treated the same .. right now, you can play any game any time you want, commmpete however you wish.. ie: you could pick games showing up in the 'recent plays' activity log, or the latest additions, or just pick willy nilly.

I run monthly backup of the data, too :p

Whethor or not there are competitions or prizes is up to someone running and defining a compo, but right now we're not doing that. b_o_b (or anyone else) could organize a competition .. the actual C4A doesn't care.. if you pick a month, and award prizes based on score, easy, just look at the scores at end of month or begin of the next month (you can scroll back to previous months.)

If we want to change the 'banner text', we can do that.

If we want special measurements added into the server, to enable certain kidns of competitions.. let me know :)

\Whethor or not there are competitions or prizes is up to someone running and defining a compo, but right now we're not doing that. b_o_b (or anyone else) could organize a competition
Wouldn't it be easier to add it automatically to the c4all site every month and let all games participate? Give points per game position. Something like 1st 4, 2nd and 3rd 3, top ten 2 points and always give one point for submitting a high score. 

Maybe separating categories Mame / Homebrew / Commercial - and an overall champ. 

Might encourage people to try other games they usually don't play. 
I´m glad I am the only one who "competes" at rygar this month. :p This way, I have a chance against all you six-figure-scorers ;)

Couldn´t really make up my mind between Elevator Action and Mappy but I took Mappy since I have practised a lot with the Gamegear version.
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\Whethor or not there are competitions or prizes is up to someone running and defining a compo, but right now we're not doing that. b_o_b (or anyone else) could organize a competition
Wouldn't it be easier to add it automatically to the c4all site every month and let all games participate? Give points per game position. Something like 1st 4, 2nd and 3rd 3, top ten 2 points and always give one point for submitting a high score. 

Maybe separating categories Mame / Homebrew / Commercial - and an overall champ. 

Might encourage people to try other games they usually don't play. 
Now THAT is a truly awesome idea.

Instead of highlighting just a few games for some Tournament that month...all games would count toward the Tournament.  You could even, if you wanted, make specific games pay more points in a given month, thus "highlighting" those games.
I´m glad I am the only one who "competes" at rygar this month. :p This way, I have a chance against all you six-figure-scorers ;)

Couldn´t really make up my mind between Elevator Action and Mappy but I took Mappy since I have practised a lot with the Gamegear version.
Lol, the month is not over yet ;)  

Mappy is certainly a fun game, but you could have picked both. If you want you can even check all games in the list :) Not really a good idea if you really like one of the games to be chosen, but still nobody will stop you. 
Yes :) aah now that the vote is cast I do not want to "delete" it :) whatever skeezix decides from the above list is fine with me actually.
\Whethor or not there are competitions or prizes is up to someone running and defining a compo, but right now we're not doing that. b_o_b (or anyone else) could organize a competition
 Wouldn't it be easier to add it automatically to the c4all site every month and let all games participate? Give points per game position. Something like 1st 4, 2nd and 3rd 3, top ten 2 points and always give one point for submitting a high score. 

Maybe separating categories Mame / Homebrew / Commercial - and an overall champ. 

Might encourage people to try other games they usually don't play.
Now THAT is a truly awesome idea.

Instead of highlighting just a few games for some Tournament that month...all games would count toward the Tournament.  You could even, if you wanted, make specific games pay more points in a given month, thus "highlighting" those games.
Good idea, or even just pick 3 or 4 games to make up a tournament 'bundle' and the highest net points achieved in these select games could decide the winner. Could make it easy to select games were one person doesn't dominate them all (e.g. me at bubble bobble and dkong :-D) force people to play out of their comfort zone a little more.


edit: due to their/there issues which I am probably to old to be making
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DrCJ, that is why I would prefer seeing all games be in the Tournament - because otherwise, everyone will just play all the Tournament games and nothing else.

But if you made it so that certain games paid a little higher that month, to highlight them...then they might see a little extra play, but not to the level they would if they were the only ones giving points.

But I guess the decision comes from above, I just enter my opinion for consideration.
Originally I was going to have highlighted games per month as a tournament (and I had prizes lined up and everything ;) -- but I quickly lost favour in that idea as it seemed for any particular game there was a person or two who _clearly_ dominated; ie: You'd have 1-2 people in tier A, far exceeding tier B (middle), and then not so far down would be tier-C (lower and average). IT woudln't be right to just have 1-2 people win every month, or dominate the living hell out of people.

So I started trying ot think of ways to encourage gameplay .. how could we score for goals, or on obscure games, or .. I dunno. Hence.. no prizes yet :)


As to above .. I just don't get why people like Time Pilot; thats a game I just absolutely do not care about :) Never did, not even as a kid soaking in the cathode ray tube..
True, on the old ROT there were clear winners for each game that the rest of us could barely touch, and mostly that was the people who suggested those games. C4a so far has borne out that pattern to a degree as well.

But the thing about ROT I liked that c4a is missing so far is that it got me to play games I'd never spend the time at to really experience otherwise. CPS Willow? I doubt I'd even have got to the first boss if I was just playing for my own curiosity. In C4A already there are already too many games for me to focus on any particular one and try to get any good at it.

But eh, do what you want. C4a is still a massive achievement, and more power to you for trying to make it even better. But I doubt I'll be competing for scores as much as I did during ROT.
Originally I was going to have highlighted games per month as a tournament (and I had prizes lined up and everything ;) -- but I quickly lost favour in that idea as it seemed for any particular game there was a person or two who _clearly_ dominated; ie: You'd have 1-2 people in tier A, far exceeding tier B (middle), and then not so far down would be tier-C (lower and average). IT woudln't be right to just have 1-2 people win every month, or dominate the living hell out of people.

So I started trying ot think of ways to encourage gameplay .. how could we score for goals, or on obscure games, or .. I dunno. Hence.. no prizes yet :)


As to above .. I just don't get why people like Time Pilot; thats a game I just absolutely do not care about :) Never did, not even as a kid soaking in the cathode ray tube..
Time Pilot is just plain fun.

Time Pilot '84 is even better, but I understand that one does not currently work with the .hi files, so hopefully that one can be added someday...
True, on the old ROT there were clear winners for each game that the rest of us could barely touch, and mostly that was the people who suggested those games. C4a so far has borne out that pattern to a degree as well.

But the thing about ROT I liked that c4a is missing so far is that it got me to play games I'd never spend the time at to really experience otherwise. CPS Willow? I doubt I'd even have got to the first boss if I was just playing for my own curiosity. In C4A already there are already too many games for me to focus on any particular one and try to get any good at it.

But eh, do what you want. C4a is still a massive achievement, and more power to you for trying to make it even better. But I doubt I'll be competing for scores as much as I did during ROT.
Well, I suggested Frogger, and there are folks beating me at, not always true.

This month, I have been so busy as to have no time to play games on my Pandy at all, C4A or otherwise.
c4a is great and really beats uploading a screenshot of your high score to a forum :)   

That said, a tournament or monthly automatic ranking for multiple games would certainly increase the fun. By not rewarding a 1st price too much it could encourage playing more games to achieve a higher ranking in the overall list. Maybe Milkshake could add it to the site? I don't care about or even want any prices though. The fun is in the competition itself and just trying out new games. 

Time Pilot is a fun game and I don't understand people who don't like it ;)

BTW. Reminder: I will close the poll tomorrow
Poll Ended! Thanks all for participating :)

I will request Skeezix to add the following games: 

Bomb Jack 8 votes

Elevator Action 8 votes

Time Pilot 8 votes

Gyrus 5 votes

Mappy 4 votes


We already have banners for these games too.  
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Surprised so few voters .. Not many forumites in summer? I should check participation logs.. Are we trending up or down for populstion of active submitters? Hmm..

I really should push r-pi..
I missed the voting... I was working on the Hub :D

I'm hoping the "Category View" should mean the number of games added shouldn't be an issue.

How many are you envisaging having active in a R.O.T. per month? Do I need to catagorise that tab, or can I get away with just listing the games (text filtering will be possible anyway)
If this gets the option to store my scores while offline and automatically upload next time I connect, then I'll join in. Until then, I'm not interested - I don't leave Wifi connected unless I'm updating the Pandora or using PNDManager.
