Downloadable Pandora leaflet here.

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
The download link is in the second post here(mariopando's)edit There is a mediafire link containing png files and the actual publisher files in a zip further down in this thread.This is a basic Pandora leaflet i made with microsoft publisher. Feel free to download it, print it and put them in your local shop or bulletin board and advertise the pandora.Obviously you need to print on one side and then turn the same page(a4) over and replace in printer and print on the other side.Anyone can tidy up or alter this leaflet in microsoft publisher to make it better.Then resubmit it here to the forum.

Thanks for converting the files mariopandio.
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My eyes. They burn :blink:

Constructive criticism would be a bit nicer than that.

They look pretty good, apart from the squashed images and the red on yellow isn't too flattering either. :)
Nice leaflet, i got constructive crit if we giving..

-A bit more padding for the text in the boxes, comes a bit close to the edge in some lines.

-I would rearrange the names for team OP too so they read in order of the photo, for those who don't know who's who.

-The case sensitivity of the URL, uppercase 'www' and 'o' only, looks a bit odd imo

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My eyes. They burn :blink:

lol, I love that quote...

that said what I dislike the most is the squashed text... better reduce the font side than making it look like a 16/9 movie stretched on a 3/4 screen...
I can see some potential, but I do have some constructive criticisms, here;

1: I can see what you were going for with the "Pandora Open." thing, but it may work better as a visual pun - perhaps have the first of those two photographs captioned with "Pandora...", and the one with the device open and surrounded by its included parts with "Open."? :P

2: There are some problems with the usage of capital letters, particularly on the predominantly red-on-yellow leaflet. I also think that it could be made a little more concise, and laid out in a slightly more dynamic fashion - such as using different shapes to contain different parts of the text, and making some of them smaller than others. Remember, a leaflet is something that only has a limited amount of time to make an impact. I've written up my take on it, below;

What is the Pandora?

A pocket-sized Linux PC and games console in one!

Perhaps a small circle, starburst, or similar could contain the text about what it can run, which I've chopped about a bit, here, so as to avoid being specific, but to spark the imagination.

Pandora is capable of emulating a variety of systems, and playing open source games!

All of your classic console, computer, and arcade favourites are possible - and more besides! You can even code your own!

The next part, I've changed a little, as these are more features, rather than technical specifications. Moreover, I've dropped a couple of lines, and expanded on some others;


  • No Restrictions: Pandora is an open system, able to be used as you wish
  • Made for Linux: Run the included Linux-based operating system from the built-in internal memory, or boot other, optional operating systems from a standard SD Card
  • Controls for Every Occasion: Pandora features digital gaming controls, two analogue nubs, and a 43-key QWERTY keypad
  • All the Versatility you Need: Play games, write and compile code, play music and movies, browse the web, or even author your next masterpiece - anywhere
  • Room to Expand: Pandora offers plenty of storage space by means of two SD Card slots, which support cards of up to 32GB each
  • Pocket Sized: Sized at just 8.3cm by 14cm, Pandora's power is packed into a machine approximately the size of the market-leading commercial handheld game consoles
  • Community Driven: With a community of enthusiastic Pandora fans from around the world, you have access to 24/7 Pandora discussion, tips, help, and chat - and new software and games are emerging from the community all the time!
  • Play for Longer: With an average battery life of ten or more hours of actual usage time, Pandora can outlast most other currently-available gadgets

Last of all, the closing text needed to be a bit more encouraging, so here's my take on that;

Join the community and pre-order now at!

I think that this comes across as more of a call for the reader to jump in and join us!

Last of all, perhaps a QR Code wouldn't go amiss? Since quite a lot of people carry devices that can use QR Codes to take them straight to websites, these days, something like that would make the difference between the leaflet being put away to be referred to later (and probably forgotten in the process), and scanning right then and there to see what it's all about. Here's an example of one, which points to ;


I hope that this is helpful in some way - I think that overall, it should give the leaflet a more enthusiastic and punchy tone, this way. :)
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Can't it handle SDXC cards? 128GB?

Possibly something more subtle that RED ON YELLOW - black text on white boxes on a pale blue background?

Maybe the theoretical slogan:

'Take the controls'

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Your welcome for the conversion Wrath of Khan.

.png rather than .jpg

As requested here in original size PNGs



Do you need to register with image shack to see the images ?

All i see is yellow frog....

Not sure how it works i'm afraid. If theres better image / upload sites let me know.
Can't it handle SDXC cards? 128GB?
I knew that this would come up. :) Leaving that out was actually deliberate - I think it's better to focus on what it's guaranteed to do, rather than "It can handle cards of up to 128GB, but there are some caveats, and you have to make sure that you buy the SDXC Cards that use a particular pin layout and electrical profile". :P

It's the same reason I left out various bits of hardware info, including the processor's speed rating - anything above what's guaranteed is just a bonus. :P
I don't know the ins and outs of publisher.This was my first time using it.If anyone wants to load the leaflet into microsoft publisher and tidy up the strecthed/misaligned text and resubmit it to the forum here then feel free to do so.
Better zip them up and put them on mediafire. The original size pngs still seem to be stretched. Did you deactivate resizing on upload?


Possibly too wordy?

EDIT: Sorry for all the spellcheck lines - and the typos! You get the idea anyways - .odg available if anyone wants it :)
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Which bits would you cut? What other pictures would you include?
A fair question, though I'm no expert in flyer design either. Here are some remarks, based purely on my own personal preference.

Front: seems to be in right-to-left order. I would expect the customer comments on the right, or perhaps better on the back i.e. swap it with the 3 pics, like this:


| Logo. | Team | pic0 |

+-------+------+ pic1 |

| Image | About| pic2 |


The downside would be that the back becomes very text heavy again.

Regarding the back content:

  • No Restrictions: Pandora is an open system, able to be used as you wish
  • Made for Linux: Run the included Linux-based operating system from the built-in internal memory, or boot other, optional operating systems from any standard SDHC Card.
  • All the Versatility you Need: Play games, write and compile code, play music and video, browse the web, or even author your next masterpiece -- anywhere.

These points are overlapping. The last gives examples of the first. Full Linux environment also indicates usage patterns. Perhaps isolate point 2 to indicate boot options and it's unbrickable nature. Regarding the final point, show these in the pictures with clear captions: Gaming (Quake 3), Multimedia (?), Linux Desktop (XFCE)

  • Controls for Every Occasion: Pandora features digital gaming controls, two analogue nubs, and a 43-key QWERTY keypad.
  • Pocket Sized: Sized at just 8.3cm by 14cm, Pandora's power is packed into a machine approximately the size of the market-leading commercial handheld game consoles.

Show a picture of the Pandora and the dimensions in the image (e.g. held by a hand, <---8.3cm---> (like on the main site) or some coins for comparison). This picture is already shown on the front. The controls are obviously visible on the unit, no need to state the obvious. If you want to emphasize key elements then use some lines to short text.

  • Room to Expand: Pandora offers plenty of storage space by means of two SD Card slots, which support cards of up to 32GB each
  • Play for Longer: With an average battery life of ten or more hours of actual usage time, Pandora can outlast most other currently-available gadgets.

Keep it short:

- 2x full-sized SD slots (SDHC) supporting up to 32 GB each.

- Ten hours of battery life under load.

  • Community Driven: With a community of enthusiastic Pandora fans from around the world, you have access to 24/7 Pandora discussion, tips, help and chat- and new software and games are emerging from the community all the time!

Merge this into the About the developers section. Make it about the Pandora. The developers are an important part, the community is the other.

You cannot tell everything about this device. Decide what is really important and focus on that.
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