Dungeon And Gaurder Help

I have Dungeon And Gaurder, But not the boxed version.

For me, The story/text is readable/understandable, Albeit in a funny korean type translated english. :blink:

Ttally agree with Mr Trooper, the lack of the Queens English in Dungeon And Guarder does not affect the game one little bit.

Astonisha and Mill yes but Dungeon And Guarder no not in the least, just a hack and slash, quite well done but a hack and slash all the same!

Yes the Knight with the Shield can block with DOWN+B, the 3 other Characters have Special Moves too, they work all same, DOWN+B.
By the way, did anyone beat the game? I am stuck at Level 4-3 where you must fight a Ghost at the end of the Stage, really hard.
But this game is nothing against DYHARD, if anyone want to buy that game, do it not!!!! You will never beat it before you get Insane of the difficult like me lol :blink:

(Sorry for my bad english i am from Germany)