F-100 F.e. Stupid Joystick


Sep 23, 2005
NW Detroit, MI
I had a case for my GP2X that, apparently, pressed down on the joystick and now up, down, and right work fine but left is very iffy. How easy is it to troubleshoot the controls on a F-100 joystick? Could it just be a loose solder or something simple like that?
Lot of good stuff on it in the wiki;

Try this, pull up the cap a millimeter or 2, (or off), then see if it starts responding, if so put a little piece of paper under it or grind a few mm off the cap. Best fix for this is a new cap but they might be getting a bit rare.
I had the exact same issue with my First Edition F100. I put the piece of paper under the cap, this did make it work properly by no longer colliding with the case. The problem is that the cap kept falling off. I tried gluing it on, but it still falls off sometimes. Seriously, that FE F100 has the worst controls of any console ever. (yes, worse than the 5200!)
I had that problem with my 2X a few years ago. I sure hope the one I bought off eBay which is on its way isn't a first edition. Else I might have to (despite no prior experience with this sort of thing) attempt a d-pad mod.
I'll try shimming the cap with somethiing and see how that works. I like the controls of the F.E., the cup-shaped cap on the later models looks uncomfortable. Of course the Nokia d-pad mod that was going around a few years ago really looks sweet...
pkostrze said:
I'll try shimming the cap with somethiing and see how that works. I like the controls of the F.E., the cup-shaped cap on the later models looks uncomfortable. Of course the Nokia d-pad mod that was going around a few years ago really looks sweet...

You can always refurbish it with a new part like mine; http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?qs=seHrhfPpLDzpod%252baUG%2fvJA%3d%3d
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