Release Fachoda-Complex


Sarcasm Dispenser
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
So this is my first PND release to the repo: Fachoda-Complex.pnd

Since It's being actively worked on by rixed, I will try to keep this up to it's current version.

Fachoda-Complex is a flight simulator/arcade game for Linux, tailored for small hardware configs.

I have two executables, a low-res 400x240 upscaled (600mhz min) and hi-res 800x480 (native resolution) which needs at least 800mhz to work properly, there will be ground clipping issues if you run any slower.

Since this is a flight sim game, it has a ton of keys to deal with, I made them as Pandora friendly as I could. The Nubs/mouse is used for control, but can be configured in keyboard mode to use the D-pad.

Default Key Bindings

Quit = ESC

Motor +5% = START

Motor -5% = SELECT

External views = 5

Travelling view = 6

Internal views = 4

Zoom out = 7

Zoom in = 8

View next plane = 2

View previous plane = 3

View your plane or closest ennemy = 1

View next bomb = v

Rise your head = PAGEUP (Y)

Lower your head = PAGEDOWN (X)

Turn left your head = HOME (A)

Turn right your head = END (

Look ahead = w

Look backward = s

Look at left = ,

Look at right = .

Look up = a

Look at the instrument panel = z

Gear = g

Flaps = f

Brakes = b

Autopilot = p

Buy a plane = 0

Nose down = UP

Nose up = DOWN

Roll left = LEFT

Roll right = RIGHT

Center stick = BACKSPACE

Fire = Right Trigger / Left Mouse

Change weapon = Left Trigger / Right Mouse

Pause = Enter

See Highscores = TAB

Accelerated mode = x (Sluggish on Pandora)

Set navpoint to home base = n

Map mode = m

Suicide = F12

Flag the map at plane's position = c

Emergency UP! = h

Gun this plane = j

The in game feature to change the key binding yourself is pretty hacky and you have to set all the keys at once and isn't friendly if you make mistakes.. If you do make a mistake, for now you need to delete the .fachoda-keys file in the appdata directory and try it again.


Edit: Thanks Pickle, Mcobit, Notaz and Rixed for helping a n00b out porting this. Also Notaz thanks for the new update on the SDL, it made the game more playable having the option for mouse(nub) mode.
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Just gave it a try, both executables won't start for me. I removed and installed again using pndstore, but results are the same.

Trying pnd_run from the shell gives me an error for starting the application
Just gave it a try, both executables won't start for me. I removed and installed again using pndstore, but results are the same.

Trying pnd_run from the shell gives me an error for starting the application

Using the experimental kernel? I have yet to try it. still using Hotfix 7 beta 1 on my end.

Any one else having issues?
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Yes, I'm using the latest experimental kernel. Sorry for the late reply.

Edit: Release 1.5 Beta 1.1 "Super Zaxxon"

which is awesome, btw :)
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I need to migrate to it at some point.. just afraid to.
Well, don't be. I love that it boots way faster, the display brightness can be changed as fast as you can hit the keys, the battery life has roughly doubled and there is real stand-by now. All in all a great improvement.

Of course I can only speak for the end user side of things and the small range of things I have done up to now.
can't run pnd (using hotfix7beta1)

complains about not finding
You need the codec pack installed then ;)

Edit: I had the same problem when building notaz sdl myself in the toolchain, as it included that lib.

It seems like it gets included as a dependency, when this is the case.

Notaz should build the lib without directfb dependency, as it requires the codec pack to be installed or the directfb lib should get on the nand by default.

Same is true for libiconv.
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Well, just in case for those who don't read the forums I repackaged it with included on the PND.. Just pushed it to the repo let me know if it works..