Fleshchasmer I: The Eve V1.2


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Quasist updated his neat 3d Adventure Game FleshChasmer I.


New in this version:

* Increased perfomance by 15%
* Two new interlace post-effects
* Rare monster now drops an Elexir
* Added Exp gaudge
* Slight improved interface gfx

Download: FleshChasmer I v1.2
Thanks for the update!

I was very impressed by this game, unfortunately I am terrible at it and can not live more than a few minutes in the game. I'll have to try this new version and see if I can get any further. :)
cool an update to one of the most in depth original gp2x games. I got kind of stuck in one area and stopped played but like like vilmos ill have to try the new version and give it another guy to see if i can get further.
Vilmos said:
Thanks for the update!

I was very impressed by this game, unfortunately I am terrible at it and can not live more than a few minutes in the game. I'll have to try this new version and see if I can get any further. :)
Try to imagine me testing complete game by all of 4 classes whitout f100 joycap (I lost mine last spring and had to test). I believe that real FleshChasming experience in only beginning to appear.
If not that "South Park fanfiction incident" in my last university I wound end having now more time to dev
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Thanks for the update Quasist, I'm a big fan of your games :)

quasist said:
If not that "South Park fanfiction incident" in my last university I wound end having now more time to dev
More info please, this sounds interesting!
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Alex. said:
More info please, this sounds interesting!
I hope that video will be placed on youtube oneday (after I add eng subs). But It is all considired offtopic now.
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i tried mutant tank and i like the graphics on that it has an addictive quality - gameplay is okay

not yet tried new fleschasmer

quadomatic said:
I can't figure out how this works...I get a black screen when I try it.
What correctly you are trying?
You use Gmenu shell?
My bash skills are not that tux creed one
There also b/s chance if you have no SDL installed on your custom firmware

Is anyone recieves b/s effect too?
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The concept itself is very good and to be honest, I did like the game. But I had issues with the game that, in the end, resulted in me taking the game off my SD card.

For starters, the game "feels" laggy, to a point where I didn't care for it. I don't know if the game is supposed to feel slow or not, but it bothered me.

The second problem that I had with the game were the graphics. Not the style of the graphics, because I LOVED the original Alone in the Dark. But when character models moved, they seemed to "tear" if you understand what I am trying to say, it was more then enough of an annoyance to bother me.

The English is really bad. For the most part I understood what was being said, but sometimes I had to read i a few times. If I understand correctly, this game was translated. Might want to look into a better translation of the game.

Good game, good idea, not polished enough. I hope to see newer versions that look and feel better.
quadomatic said:
Launching from GMenu and original frontend both result in black screen (well, in Gmenu2x with direct link I get a frozen GMenu screen). I even tried installing SDL from the file on the archive.
What model of Gp2x you have (F100/F200)?
Have you tried reinstalling game?

kuehnau said:
Good game, good idea, not polished enough.
I was learning C and I had no real console gaming experience until few mouths ago bought a DS(my first gaming console). Hope that had improved my gaming outsights. And next project will be ever more playable
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quasist said:
quadomatic said:
Launching from GMenu and original frontend both result in black screen (well, in Gmenu2x with direct link I get a frozen GMenu screen). I even tried installing SDL from the file on the archive.
What model of Gp2x you have (F100/F200)?
Have you tried reinstalling game?

kuehnau said:
Good game, good idea, not polished enough.
I was learning C and I had no real console gaming experience until few mouths ago bought a DS(my first gaming console). Hope that had improved my gaming outsights. And next project will be ever more playable

I'm using an F100. After it didn't work the first time, I deleted the game from my SD card and then put it back.
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quadomatic said:
I'm using an F100. After it didn't work the first time, I deleted the game from my SD card and then put it back.
Only thing is can cause crashes from my point of view then - is usage of a dpad patch. His functions are already implemented from v1.1

I'm not sure if diagonals works on dpad-mod consoles. Can character walk in 8directions or only WASD ?
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quasist said:
quadomatic said:
I'm using an F100. After it didn't work the first time, I deleted the game from my SD card and then put it back.
Only thing is can cause crashes from my point of view then - is usage of a dpad patch. His functions are already implemented from v1.1

I'm not sure if diagonals works on dpad-mod consoles. Can character walk in 8directions or only WASD ?

I don't think I patched the D-Pad...its a MK2 if that helps.

I really want to try this game. I wish it would work... :(
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quasist said:
I'm not sure if diagonals works on dpad-mod consoles. Can character walk in 8directions or only WASD ?
I notice that the diagonals doesn't work, if you keep pressed up while you hit left or right the 2 last directions are not recognized, same for right and down (down not working) and down and left (left not working). Hope this helps.
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shinra said:
I notice that the diagonals doesn't work, if you keep pressed up while you hit left or right the 2 last directions are not recognized, same for right and down (down not working) and down and left (left not working). Hope this helps.
I got idea. I'll release updated gpe for dpad users soon

Yet dpad still fully usable if toggle control mode in options menu to resident evil style
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Quasist, this might be an early project for you but I must say it's very impressive. It's fully 3D and plays reasonably well even.

For your next project I'd just suggest that you use an existing 3D engine (Consider Yeti3D, it's EXTREMELY efficient and runs smoothly even underclocked, as well as being a very advanced engine) so you can focus less on getting the graphics up to par and more on making the gameplay tight and responsive. Your story and design and so on for Fleshchasmer interested me and I'd like to see more from you, maybe a first person RPG, a survival horror game, a first person shooter? Maybe even a fleshchasmer sequel? I'm looking very much forward to it. You may get lots of criticism but that's because your work shows so much promise. Thank you for investing so much thought and effort into an original GP2X game. Please do it again and make it even cooler. =]
Rambozo said:
Quasist, this might be an early project for you but I must say it's very impressive. It's fully 3D and plays reasonably well even.

For your next project I'd just suggest that you use an existing 3D engine (Consider Yeti3D, it's EXTREMELY efficient and runs smoothly even underclocked, as well as being a very advanced engine) so you can focus less on getting the graphics up to par and more on making the gameplay tight and responsive. Your story and design and so on for Fleshchasmer interested me and I'd like to see more from you, maybe a first person RPG, a survival horror game, a first person shooter? Maybe even a fleshchasmer sequel? I'm looking very much forward to it. You may get lots of criticism but that's because your work shows so much promise. Thank you for investing so much thought and effort into an original GP2X game. Please do it again and make it even cooler. =]
Thank you for your words

No one of existing engines is sufficent to take the place of everbeating heart of next FleshChasmer
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