gameboy color emulator


Still Fresh
Jun 2, 2003
with all this talk of a decent gba emulator in the dreams of most people, I actually would prefer a gameboy color/mono emu that runs at full speed with sound and save (well until a GBA one come's out... ;-) )

Are there any other emulators being worked on for the gbc? It seems a bit strange that for such an easy system to emulate (in terms of documentation and source code available) that noone has done it yet (with all of the features above). I mean, it's the biggest selling console in history with the largest selection of games which are designed to be used in a handheld environment!!

It would also be nice to have a gbc emu that used the colour features for gb games (like with the Super Gameboy)..

Come on, someone has to be working on one!!!!
I am also really supprised that there doesn't seem to be one in the works. If someone could get hold of the sources for GBVGB they would have a good base to work form.

Maybe the lack of a deccent emulator is due to the gameboy lacking sex appeal ;-) :lol:
Thats something right there that has been seriously bothering me.
Theres a lack of coders giving out sources for their emulators on the
gp32. If they just released their source we coudl have more than one
coder/group working on the same emulator, we could have a bunch
of people working on different areas and we could have CHOICES of
emulators to pick from for the same system. They do it for xbox and dc
so why not gp32? Or am i just being completly stupid? hehe :D
;) hmmmm.... lets go for just stupid :P ... no, i'm kidding. maybe a gbc emulator isn't being worked onn because it isn't that advanced, so they wouldn't get much glory you know the old "ooooooh look at them, they emulated a 3mhz system, [sarcasm]THEY MUST BE SMART"[sarcasm] crap...
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well, it's not what you're emulating but how you emulate it!

I for one would much rather see a fully working, full speed (with sound) emulator than a frameskip/no sound, still not full speed emulator ;)

It's just that I would rather play something that's pretty much close to perfect (and there's quite a few out there on the gp32- castaway, gpengine, sms32- tho' I wish the source was released so it could be tidied up-, speccyal k, atari 800) than play something that kills my nostalgic view of the game (e.g. Snes)!! I'm not complaining about these non perfect emu's being written, it's just that coders should maybe look at something that's feasible instead of going for that holy grail that will never be reached in this generation!

So imagine if gnuboy was ported over giving us the ability to play games full speed, super gameboy (and borders) support, zip support, snapshot support etc. It would look VERY sexy and I'm pretty sure would impress most of the people who have a gp32... and I'm sure it would be more satisfying to release than an Amiga emulator running at 5fps!!

We can't keep on hoping that SNES, Amiga, Genesis, Playstation ;) are going to be emulated on the GP32... let's gets some "doable" emulators released (where are you wonderswan, mame and neogeo pocket??!!! ;-) ) and leave the biggie emulators to the next gp!!

Which comes to another point that annoys me (almost off topic here).. anybody notice that most people asking for SNES or GBA emu's dont actually own a GP32?? Probably because they only want it so they can get a gba sp with every game for 150 quid!!
depends on what you mean by doable!!

playable- yes, but perfect.. I doubt it...

there isn't even a perfect snes emu for the dreamcast... :-(

however perfect gameboy mono and color... absolutely doable!

I'm actually playing some old games from my youth.. kirby's pinball, kid icarus, super rc pro am... there are some fantastic games for the gb/c... I just wish they would be "perfect"..hmmm
So imagine if gnuboy was ported over giving us the ability to play games full speed, super gameboy (and borders) support, zip support, snapshot support etc. It would look VERY sexy and I'm pretty sure would impress most of the people who have a gp32... and I'm sure it would be more satisfying to release than an Amiga emulator running at 5fps!!

Bareing in mind that these are just my thoughts/opinions on the subject. But i think, From what i can gather. A lot of these projects, especially emulators, start out as a test/challenge for the authors to find out what the Gp32 and indeed the author is capable of. So sometimes we/they end up with a project that exceed the capabilities of the machine or author eg. "Amiga emulator running at 5fps". But its all part of the learning process, As they say, You don`t know until you try.

Just my 2p

I'm willing to donate 50 Euro for the GPSpain contest when a full speed GB / GBC emulator with zip and database support comes out.
There is already a perfectly usable gbc emu. People say it doesnt work on some machines, but works perfect on mine. Its full speed with sound and save support. Its calle GPVGB. It has a few bugs but ive been playing zelda dx perfect, and it just blows the actual gbc away cause of the huge gp32 screen.
Hehe, yeah, that's why I'm going to donate:
The emulator doesn't work on my machine.
GB works fine, but every single GBC game crashes ;)
Mofokubik posted on Jul 4 2003 said:
There is already a perfectly usable gbc emu. People say it doesnt work on some machines, but works perfect on mine. Its full speed with sound and save support. Its calle GPVGB. It has a few bugs but ive been playing zelda dx perfect, and it just blows the actual gbc away cause of the huge gp32 screen.
put me down in that club of GP32 owners that cant get it to work :P
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