Ginge not working


Active Member
Apr 26, 2011
I've been searhing hard ginge to work nothing much as been explained.

I have ginge emu running fine with media features working but i installed dr md genesis emulator iN appdate where ginge folder was created and when i looked up in the sd card in ginge emu it didn't show up .gpe file,what am i doing wrong.
Yes i got the drmd to work,but cps2 doesn't work my roms and gngeo2x just won't start and mame4all i loaded a rom it canceled,fba loaded rom it won't goes back to menu.

Ginge is an poor emulator,doesn't run anything at all,what a complete waste of time.

Is there a list of emulator and commercial games of gp2x and wiz can run on pandora.
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Of course i'm using picodrive,i just wanted to see if emulator works in ginge.

Why isn't final burn alpha on pandora and cps 1,2,that's really a big shame.
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GINGE does not support GP2X software that uses the second CPU.

I didn't have a GP2X for too long back in the day, so I suspect that you'll have to check the Readme files for the software you're trying to use, in order to possibly determine this.

Whilst I can see why some folks might not be inclined to provide a list, to my knowledge no such list actually exists, so the Readme route is likely the only option.
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