Solving your premature emulation since the Tapwave
GP2PSX v0.03
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I've been working really hard to fix a bug in GP2PSX and I finally got it done. So compatibility has gone up. I also have cleaned up the code quite a lot, much of it redone completely, and its been cleaned up a lot since I will be releasing the source shortly.
Give this version a look but don't expect a speed gain over previous versions.
Hopefully though, compatibility is up. I've also been working with people from the Sharp Zaurus community on a PSX emulator, and a dynamic recompiler is in the works.
Anyone who knows ARM assembly want to help with my PSX emulator ports? Message me.
I really appreciate the donations, and I'm still around.
I've missed a lot of whats been happening with the GP2X, anyone want to fill me in on the dev news?
Grab it here:
I've been working really hard to fix a bug in GP2PSX and I finally got it done. So compatibility has gone up. I also have cleaned up the code quite a lot, much of it redone completely, and its been cleaned up a lot since I will be releasing the source shortly.
Give this version a look but don't expect a speed gain over previous versions.
Hopefully though, compatibility is up. I've also been working with people from the Sharp Zaurus community on a PSX emulator, and a dynamic recompiler is in the works.
Anyone who knows ARM assembly want to help with my PSX emulator ports? Message me.
I really appreciate the donations, and I'm still around.
I've missed a lot of whats been happening with the GP2X, anyone want to fill me in on the dev news?