Gp2psx V0.03


Solving your premature emulation since the Tapwave
Dec 2, 2005
GP2PSX v0.03
Grab it here:

I've been working really hard to fix a bug in GP2PSX and I finally got it done. So compatibility has gone up. I also have cleaned up the code quite a lot, much of it redone completely, and its been cleaned up a lot since I will be releasing the source shortly.

Give this version a look but don't expect a speed gain over previous versions.

Hopefully though, compatibility is up. I've also been working with people from the Sharp Zaurus community on a PSX emulator, and a dynamic recompiler is in the works.

Anyone who knows ARM assembly want to help with my PSX emulator ports? Message me. :)

I really appreciate the donations, and I'm still around. :)

I've missed a lot of whats been happening with the GP2X, anyone want to fill me in on the dev news?

No seriously, thanks for your incredibly hard work on this emulator. PSX, I feel, is the true capability of the gp2x, unlike some people who feel snes emulation will not end up good on gp2x. I guess Squidge is proving them wrong...
great you are still alive, i started to wonder :)
gues what, my paypal account is still not activated, i hope i get arround to get a statement of my bank account (?) tomorrow, if so you will notice it as i will donate asap :)
Hello Vimacs! :)

I just noticed a bug in v0.30 that prevents HLE to work. I'll fix it asap.
Btw, zLauncher looks pretty cool!
Just tried FF7. It works fine, no real graphics glitches, except for models displayed during fmvs. Obviously unplayable at ~1-2 fps, but I got several battles into the game with no lock up.

Overclocked at 274mhz is only marginally better, in otherwords, you can barely tell the difference.

Above is using BIOS.

Edit: you already noticed HLE prob.
I think I just peed my pants.

Great job, good to know its still being worked on!
Blast it. I'm at work, and my GP2X is at home. :angry:

7 hours to go. Has anyone tried FFT yet? Is it playable?
Welcome back zodttd great work, im glad your still working on the emu,
now i can try dark forces again it worked last time but there was no storm troopers or gun infront of me lol :)

ruffnutts out!
For some reason i cant get past on the screen with the PlayStation logo on it, the one where it says PCSX on the bottom. I got in once, but it is no longer working.

[EDIT] I got FFT to work but its realllly slow without overclock, when i tried to overclock the above happened.
I really wonder HARD, if it will be playable one day.
I think FS1-2 is the most we can go down... and without sound most stuff isn't nearly playable in a fun way.

We need an extension pack for the GP2X, like the SuperCPU for the C64 :lol: