Gp32 Place


Jan 19, 2004
Donny, England (follow signs that say craphole)
K, your probably getting sick of this but anyway I have completely re-designed my website using notepad. Its now way faster to load, looks better and theres new stuff too. I still think the design is not great but it will do for now, not everything is finished but i thought i would release it for the new content.

Theres an absolute ton of tilesets ive been using for gigas engine i thought would help people as well as a new rom review and a hombrew review. I will be adding more with time and hope you enjoy viewing the crap that ive done. :)

GP32 pLaCe

Also im now taking requests for reviews you would like to see for both roms and homebrew games, software etc and finnaly any gigas characters/tilsets/etc anyone needs portin (or possibly even creating) just ask here or e-mail me.

Thankyou for your time,


P.S. can anyone help me with why Mozilla Firefox does not display it properly, proably my crapy html
If you want the left and right table to have the same hight why don't you just make it one table and put the info in two different collums (like you do in the table above)

If you want the menu to look the same in both browsers remove the <h4> and just use bold instead, looks exactly the same.

The border looks different because Firefox does not have a setting for table border colors but you can set this with CSS:

If you put this in the head of your page:
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
table{border:1px solid #ffffff;}
both browsers will pick up on that.

Edit: By the way, the site looks much better now, not as busy and much easier to read.
holy pop ups, why don't you get rid of all the pop ups and stuff asking me if i want to download it or not, unless your publisher doesn't allow it.
I don't think there's any need for gp32 place written twice, try to aqquire a general design for the site. Constant desgin looks really good on sites for example the homepage of gp32 or perhaps that the general colour speed of this board is blue.

Basically keep your title dark like your site, but just choose one.

I like how you set up your review section, well done.
I would suggest you get a HTML editor like 1st Page. It's pure text based and doesn't create bloated pages, it just has a ton of nice features to make life easier on you. It also has a HTML reference built-in so you can learn while you work.

Now if you want to use a table why don't you use one table row for your images (not as a background, and give it a colspan of two) and create a second table row with two collums (one for the menu and one for the main content).
Like this:
<td colspan="2">your images go here</td>
<td>menu goes here</td>
<td>and main content here</td>
Im playing around with the html:

  <title>GP32 pLaCe</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Gp32 pLaCe: Tons of compatibility lists, rom reviews, game reviews and much much more.">
  <meta name="keywords" content="gp32, gamepark, rom reviews, homebrew, gigas, gp32 place">
  <body bgcolor="333333" link="FFFFFF" vlink="FFFFFF" text="FFFFFF">
   <table border=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolour="333333" width="700">
     <td colspan="2"><a href="index.html" "GP32 pLaCe">[IMG]http://head.jpg[/IMG]
     <td><font color="FFFFFF" face="Arial"><b>
      <a href="lists.html" name"Compatability Lists">Compatability Lists</a><br>
      <a href="romreviews.html" name"Rom Reviews">Rom Reviews</a><br>
      <a href="gp32reviews.html" name"GP32 Reviews">Gp32 Reviews</a><br>
      <a href="gigas.html" name"Gigas Resources">Gigas Resources</a><br>
      <a href="links.html" name"Links">Links</a><br>
      <a href="contact.html" name"Contact">Contact</a>
    <td><font color="FFFFFF" face="Arial">Hello and welcome to GP32 pLaCe, i know i keep re-designing the site (maybe i just like to play with html, dunno really) but ive finnally think i have a design which loads quickly and doesnt look really really bad, just bad.<br><br>
      Well, ive recently added a section for compatability list. Its still (obviosly) not complete and the number of emulators there will increase with time. Remember to pay a visit to the reviews sections and gigas resource section to see if theres anything new. Ive also been working on the links section which i think is becoming rather comprehensive but if theres a GP32 related site ive missed off (alot probably) please mail me and i will add them :)<br><br>
      Also remember i am taking requests for reviews you would like to see, gigas stuff and anything else that anyone needs. Just mail me and i will see what i can do.<br><br>
      For those who dont have a clue what the hell im talking about, this is my webpage devoted to the amazing GP32 console. I call it a console yet it is so much more, for those who want to know about it please click the links section and visit a site with a good faq section such as GP32x. Read and learn there, buy a GP32 then come back.<br><br>
      As always more will come with time so check back for more reviews, gigas resources and updates to the compatability lists and links section.<br><br>
      Thanks for your time, Splinter

I was wondering how i can get the menu text on the left to stay near the top no matter the size of the data in the right of the page.
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Okay, in the table in the <td> that holds your menu put: valign="top".
It will look like this:<td valign="top"> valign means vertical align.

Remember to close your tags, you forget that a few times: when you open with <font> you need to close with </font> you also forgot to close at least one <td>.

Just keep working on it, you'll get better after a while :)