Gp32Spain - Wiz Gp2X Programming Contest


Still Fresh
Nov 22, 2008

GP32Spain presents its second GP2X Wiz programming contest.

The competition is divided into two separate categories, each of which will have its own prizes.

First Category: Games
First prize: 25% of the cumulative total of the donated money + special diploma.
Second prize: 15% of the cumulative total of the donated money + special diploma.
Third prize: 10% of the cumulative total of the donated money + special diploma.
Fourth prize: a pack consisting of games and accesories for GP2X Wiz + participant diploma.
Fifth prize: a pack consisting of games and accesories for GP2X Wiz + participant diploma.
Other entries: participant diploma.

Second Category: Emulators
First prize: 25% of the cumulative total of the donated money + special diploma.
Second prize: 15% of the cumulative total of the donated money + special diploma.
Third prize: 10% of the cumulative total of the donated money + special diploma.
Fourth prize: a pack consisting of games and accesories for GP2X Wiz + participant diploma.
Fifth prize: a pack consisting of games and accesories for GP2X Wiz + participant diploma.
Other entries: participant diploma.

Donations can be sent and you can see the cumulative total of money for the prizes to date, here:
Cumulative total to date (April 15 16:24: 1902€ (~2587,30$))

Important notice: from the total pot for prizes there will be an amount deducted that could range between 50€ and 100€. This amount should absorb the cost for printing and mailing diplomas to all participants by mail. GP32Spain reserves the right to negate a diploma to the participants whose entries don't have a minimum quality.

Deadline to send the games/emulators: July 31
Announcement of the winners: August, between 15 and 31

Contest Rules

First Category: Games

We'll accept games of all kind, without limitations to genre or theme.

The games can be programmed specifically for GP2X Wiz or can be developed for interpreter engines like Fenix. In any case should include everything needed to run directly on the GP2X Wiz. We will NOT accept games in flash format.

The games should be compatible with the latest firmware available for GP2X Wiz.

Each participant may submit as many games as he/she wants, but will be only eligible for one prize.

We will not accept games previously published in GP2X Wiz. Must be new titles or updates for other systems that have not yet been ported to GP2X Wiz. We will accept games that have already been published previously althoug the version submitted to the contest must include enough new features in order to be a valid entry (new levels, game modes, etc.).

The games may not be published until the contest has ended and winners have been announced. If a game is released before, this will be disqualified immediately.

The maximum size accepted for the games is 2GB.

Games less than 40MB must be sent by e-mail to webmaster((at)) For games with more than 40MB, the programmer must write to the same e-mail and then we'll provide you with FTP access to send it. The e-mail subject must be "GP32Spain Contest".

Along with the game you must include 2 screen captures of the game.
You must also include a file "info.txt" with the following information:
- Name of the work submitted.
- A description of the game and a short manual.
- Nick / Name of the programmer. (If more than one person is involved, put all names and jobs performed)
- Contact E-mail.

The game must show one of the following splash screens for at least 2 seconds:



Second Category: Emulators
We'll accept new emulators and emulators already published.
When we value emulators modifications, we will take into consideration the improvements or new features of the emulators with respect to the final version published before the contest.

We take into consideration the following features in order of importance:
1 .- New emulators.
2 .- (existing emulators): Overall improvement in performance / speed of the emulator.
3 .- (existing emulators): Support for new games / chips / systems.
4 .- (existing emulators): New options, as SaveState, etc.
5 .- (existing emulators): GUI enhancements and additional menus.
6 .- (existing emulators): Other additions.

The emulators should not include files or commercial games. If it's necessary some kind of bios rom file for its working, must be clearly indicated in the file info.txt

The emulators should be compatible with the latest firmware available for GP2X Wiz.

Each participant may submit as many emulators as he/she wants, but will be only eligible for one prize.

If the developer chooses to release the emulator before the contest is finished, we'll take into consideration only the new features or improvements over the public version.

The emulators must be sent by e-mail to webmaster((at)) The e-mail subject must be "GP32Spain Contest".

Along with the emulator you must include a file "info.txt" with the following information:
- Name and version of the emulator submitted.
- List of new features or improvements incorporated in the emulator with respect to the latest public version.
- A description of the emulator and a short manual.
- Nick / Name of the programmer.
- Contact E-mail.

Additional information about the contest
Participants can participate in the two categories independently and win a prize in each of them.

The jury will consist of 5 persons that will be announced after we receive all jobs.

Participants from outside of Spain must have a PayPal account where they would receive the prize if they win.

If we don't receive enough titles for any of the two categories of the contest or its level is considered too low, the organization reserves the right to declare the awards deserts, in which case the value of prizes will be added to the awards of the other category.

The rules may be subject to changed. Any changes or additions will be published in


  • logo.jpg
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I've never quite worked out why the Spanish competitions only allow certain types of game.
The total amount at this moment is 1857€ ~ 2525,33 $ and growing :)
i'd really like to participate - it's almost 3 months to get up with something and i like the beat'em up theme very much!

anyone else who's probably going to contribute?
crow_riot said:
i'd really like to participate - it's almost 3 months to get up with something and i like the beat'em up theme very much!

anyone else who's probably going to contribute?

Yes, after my previous games Shock Troopers Base Defense and Puzsion i will make a spacial shooter writted in Bennu for this conest.

Good Luck to every one!
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Orkie said:
I've never quite worked out why the Spanish competitions only allow certain types of game.

I want to know too. =P
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Rodrigo Cardoso said:
Orkie said:
I've never quite worked out why the Spanish competitions only allow certain types of game.

I want to know too. =P

Probably in few hours/days an anounciament will be made from gp32spain opening the competition to all type of games.

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thanks - now all games are accepted, this might create more entries and more funny games :)