Serial Porter
Here is Herby, a puzzle/labyrinth game by Crystal Shard
The game use the AGS Engine, but the native version I built have some sounds issue (signed/unsigned issue maybe?). So I packaged both native and x86 (emulated with box86) version. The emulated is pretty fast, and I get fullspeed on a Gigahertz, but that might not be the case on other model. So you have a simple dialog at start to choose the version. Dialog appears at each start but should remember your last choice, so "enter" should start last version choose.
History log
Build 02

The game use the AGS Engine
History log
Build 02
- New build of Native AGS engine that is running fine
- Removed box86 emulated version
- Initial build
- Packaged both arm and x86 version
- Small zenity dialog to choose version at start
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