Ho, Ho,ho (C64 And Gameboy)


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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Merry Christmas! Here are some early presents from me!

Lemonboy : http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,71,134
C64 Vice 2.2 : http://dl.openhandhe...i?0,0,0,0,72,24
C64 Frodo : http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,72,276
GNU Robbo : http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/wiz.cgi?0,0,0,0,27,277

Lemonboy now has better sound, no tear (this is the version i released as a beta a couple days ago)
Vice is the new release, I did a big rework on this to use no-tear code (hopefully i can get this latest code into the vice mainline)
Frodo also has been coded to have no-tear, this one is looking pretty fast
Thank you so much Pickle it's great having two C64 emulators as well as someone who is continuing to work with the Wiz.
Thanks Pickle for all of the great work and Merry Xmas :)
Hiya Pickle,

Pickle said:
Vice is the new release, I did a big rework on this to use no-tear code (hopefully i can get this latest code into the vice mainline)

I'm one of the VICE team administrators, and I would be happy to get the code into the mainstream source and make it possible to generate/compile/build a WIZ version.

Either send me the modified source code, or a link to it, or come to visit our IRC channel (irc.freenode.net #vice-dev) and we'll see how we can arrange it to become part of the mainstream VICE.

Signed, Marco van den Heuvel.
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Is it just me or is this version of Vice amazingly slow? Load times take forever even with warp mode on.



FIXED: Fogot to turn off the true emulation, now it runs fine :D.
Thank you very much "Santa PickleS" 
and Merry Xmas  :)
Great, Pickle! Merry Christmas to you, too...

Oh wow, two new C64 emulators, this might be the best Christmas present I could get!! Thank you so much, and a very merry christmas!

Off to try them out right now :)
Frodo is wickedly fast, even a little too fast when navigating menus! A great feature here is when you drop a savestate it saves a thumbnail too - with Vice you have no idea what save goes to what game, just sequential numbering. Been having a fine session on Armalyte - absolute classic and runs perfectly! I realise Frodo has compatibility limitations, but now we have the choice!

It's worth mentioning that the PSP Vice Emulator is really well thought out (see here), a very nice UI and one of the best features is save state autoloading. When you have loaded a game to the title screen, you can drop a save to a specific slot, then every time you go to load this disk image it will auto load that save, thus preventing a full game load! Genius!

Worth thinking about if any more dev is to be done on Wiz Vice.
Greeat news :) I was actually very happy with the old version of vice (even though you'd have to switch it to fastsid to avoid periodic slowdowns) but a new version is welcomed :D

Feature suggestion: Left Shoulder makes the onscren keyboard appear at the bottom of the screen,
it'd be cool if it was possible to move it to the top of the screen with the Right Shoulder btn.

Merry Xmas to all! :)
Pickle said:
Merry Christmas! Here are some early presents from me!

Lemonboy : http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,71,134
C64 Vice 2.2 : http://dl.openhandhe...i?0,0,0,0,72,24
C64 Frodo : http://dl.openhandhe...?0,0,0,0,72,276
GNU Robbo : http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/wiz.cgi?0,0,0,0,27,277

Lemonboy now has better sound, no tear (this is the version i released as a beta a couple days ago)
Vice is the new release, I did a big rework on this to use no-tear code (hopefully i can get this latest code into the vice mainline)
Frodo also has been coded to have no-tear, this one is looking pretty fast

Can this new no-tear code be implemented into the uae4all emulator?


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Thanks for the emulator updates and GNU Robbo. :)
One little thing though, the volume can't be changed in GNU Robbo. (The volume bar changes but the sound doesn't!)
Cheers, Neil

It would be brilliant if the modifiers set up (from GNU Robbo) could be used for other games. (eg. Heretic/Hexen etc.)