I Can't Get Games Onto My Gp32.......


Jul 6, 2005
Shadow Moses, in a cardboard box
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I just got a GP32 BLU form gbax.com. I have tried to put some games on using the Manger (with the supplied USB cable). I connected the GP32 to the computer, loaded the manager and selected PC link on the GP32. When they were linked successfully, I formatted the supplied SMC and then went into the games folder and then selected install game. I have megadrive (unzipped) emulator and roms on my hard drive and I also have some Freeware Games. However, when I looked in the folder, I couldn't see them. What do I do to run games?
Barnaby posted on Jul 6 2005 at 03:43 PM said:
However, when I looked in the folder, I couldn't see them. What do I do to run games?

which firmware do you have in your gp32? where do you look in the folder from? from the console or from the manager?

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Sounds like you're putting the files in the wrong place.

"executable" games with a .gxe extension traditionally go in the directory:

Homebrew applications/games go in

And if you're using Dr. MD, then that application expects to find all the ROM files in a subdirectory of GPMM, to give it it's full path

Also, if you are using Dr. MD, then I believe you have to tell it to refresh it's ROM list.

Don't worry, I'm sure it was confusing for all of us when we first got our GP32.
if i were you I would get used to installing ALL of the emulators before you even attempt a firmware change. Get used to your gp32, find out everything before attempting a firmware change as well or you could destroy your new found love.

Im getting a psp soon, cant wait yay. Still love my GP32 though

GP32 Forever baby, well at least until GP64

GP64 forever baby, sorry guys bit excited over the new possibilties the psp offers, im mean I love my GP32 but after a year I find my self going to GP32extreme site 3-4 times a day to see if anything new has been released. I suppose thats a good thing but when you've done all you possibly can with the gp32 and still want more what can you do !!
Barnaby CHECK the readme.txt's for all the emulators !!!!! You'll get flamed eventually otherwise.

All emulators (.fxe files) go into the GPMM directory, after that just check the readme.txt to see where the roms go, eg Speccy might go in Z80, Megadrive/Genesis in SEGA etc, just read the readme.txt !

I know those files are boring, i try not to read those but just find the submenu to create for the roms and you should be fine !!!
And for the love of god, don't try to force the cartridges down the SMC-slot! It might seem the most logical way to get the games to your GP, but it will not fit!

I think it's the old NTSC-PAL thing... I've yet to find a converter like this. :(
