Nintendo Switch
Change the nub to an analogue stick.
I actually love the caanoo analog stick, believe it or not, of all the analog controllers I've used those would have to by far be me favorite in terms of analog controller in a compact design... problem with the nintendo/microsoft/sony designs, they are just too damn big for a pocket gaming device ( vita excluded ) also worry about them getting caught on stuff or over time wearing out and losing their "center" if used too much or pushed in one direction for too long had a N64, wii, and 360 controller all do this.Change the nub to an analogue stick.
Or Exo's mates' design.
Android's not the answer if it's being implemented by one of these one-console-per-month manufacturers like JXD because they're not able/willing to do it well.
I wish someone would utilise the new JZ4770 from ingenic because it's a beast and would likely be very quickly hacked to run OpenDingux. Couple it with a 4 inch 640x480 screen and a couple of analog sticks and we'd have a new dingoo a320 on our hands except with excellent ps1 and probably tolerable n64 too.
little question have it multitouch?
and i have some idears for a design i will upload a picture soon![]()
it will be good enough to n64 & ps1 emulation which isn't really seen on these cheap handhelds right nowThese systems are way too underpowered we need dual or quad core dual analog nubs 1GB of dd3 to really push handheld emulation forward ,until then we'll just get the same generic emulators weve been getting for the last 3 years im sure people would pay 50 75 pounds more for that spec list so whats stopping someone taking the plunge.
well ps1 was perfect on the psp n64 is on the pandora my point is people are not going to get excited about emulation like say 3 years ago unless higher end systems are done ie dreamcast and ps2 but devs are not going to touch them till decent hardware specs appear every new system appearing is single core cpu we need multi core plus multi threaded rendering or cores running symetrically to come close to seeing these systems emulated whats the point of emulating the same old systems over and over again? we'ed all get pretty will be good enough to n64 & ps1 emulation which isn't really seen on these cheap handhelds right nowThese systems are way too underpowered we need dual or quad core dual analog nubs 1GB of dd3 to really push handheld emulation forward ,until then we'll just get the same generic emulators weve been getting for the last 3 years im sure people would pay 50 75 pounds more for that spec list so whats stopping someone taking the plunge.
also perfect 60fps zero frameskip snes and sega genesis emulation which is another first for these handhelds
I also would like to see some beefy performance out of these things, but honestly at this point we're at a lack of a "good enough" option ... this looks pretty good if you ask me.
well ps1 was perfect on the psp n64 is on the pandora my point is people are not going to get excited about emulation like say 3 years ago unless higher end systems are done ie dreamcast and ps2 but devs are not going to touch them till decent hardware specs appear every new system appearing is single core cpu we need multi core plus multi threaded rendering or cores running symetrically to come close to seeing these systems emulated whats the point of emulating the same old systems over and over again? we'ed all get pretty will be good enough to n64 & ps1 emulation which isn't really seen on these cheap handhelds right nowThese systems are way too underpowered we need dual or quad core dual analog nubs 1GB of dd3 to really push handheld emulation forward ,until then we'll just get the same generic emulators weve been getting for the last 3 years im sure people would pay 50 75 pounds more for that spec list so whats stopping someone taking the plunge.
also perfect 60fps zero frameskip snes and sega genesis emulation which is another first for these handhelds
I also would like to see some beefy performance out of these things, but honestly at this point we're at a lack of a "good enough" option ... this looks pretty good if you ask me.
Your just proving my point these chinese companys just churn out handhelds like no tomorrow same old same old its been seen all before apart fromhdmi output what do these systems bring too the table that hasnt been done before as far as your coments on perfect emulation maybe the purist is interested but 90% couldnt tell the difference.I think the idea here is cheap chineese handheld... this undshoots in price and overshoots in performance of both the pandora and even the PSP
the quoted price for this is $79 a unit.. I still think this is an unfilled niche, does all well in a small form factor and isn't garbage controlls on the cheap. You could buy almost 6 of these for the price of 1 pandora.
I do agree we need to see something more bleeding edge, but when was the last time you seen one of these guys spit out anything bleeding edge? It's always the sony's and samsung's and htc's that do that.