More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

I sure hope Craig and EvilDragon are going to have a book published about all of this, the dramas and the crazy people.. I'm sure it'll sell well :)

I upgraded to a premium just a few days ago, even though I am in the 1100-1200 queue pos and was quite likely to receive it within this month via my orig preorder. I wanted to support the team, because the reality is if they can't make up the losses and have anything else happen then noone will get it.
What really bothers me is that the Pandora shipments has been hovering around 1k order number (craigx) since forever and I don't see much progress. EvilDragon claims somewhat generous numbers of Pandoras built and I get hopeful, but then people on the (very) low 1000's claim that they have yet to receive a shipping confirmation and I start to have serious doubts about my investment.

I upgraded to a premium just a few days ago, even though I am in the 1100-1200 queue pos and was quite likely to receive it within this month via my orig preorder. I wanted to support the team, because the reality is if they can't make up the losses and have anything else happen then noone will get it.
Sadly, I'm living atm on a monthly €415 scholarship. I barely have enough money to pay the import taxes for when my Pandora finally ships... Would have payed the extra money back when I ordered, though.
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Upgrade, you'll have a premium shipping within 7 business days. Do you feel good about taking something from someone knowing you are taking money out of their pocket at the same time? The price we paid for the Pandora for preorder was actually less than the units cost to produce when all was said and done. So you can in my mind, do the right thing and pay the Open Pandora team the money to upgrade, give them some profit, you get your Pandora. Winning duh.

The thing you should keep in the back of your head regarding waiting is this:

The people at the end of batch 1 will have a video cable that is more resistant to breaking than the current one being used. Think about that for a few minutes.

My 2¢ Please don't take it personally.

Well, I went ahead and upgraded. It's not that I'm indifferent to cutting in line, and as a 2nd batcher I havn't waited as long as others. But it's soon one year since I ordered my Pandora, and paranoid(lets just call it Pandaroid to be more specific) as I am, inspired from info drawn from here and there, I figured, maybe OP will go bankrupt(something I bet they would not advertise) before they can deliver the unit I ordered. So, by upgrading I hopefully will help prevent bankruptsy. And yeah, getting the old type of video cable is a concern, but hopefully it will last until things have slowed down, and I can get it replaced.

Oh, one thing I would want further explaination of... in what way am I taking money from someone elses pocket by upgrading my order?
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Oh, one thing I would want further explaination of... in what way am I taking money from someone elses pocket by upgrading my order?

He meant the other way around - Those of us who have waited since the beginning and paid whatever it was we paid back then (I'm an old man now - senility is...uh...what was I saying?) will, in the end, have paid less for our pandora than what it has cost to produce. If you upgrade, you will pay something closer to a proper price.

Saw you were swedish, too. Kinda figured, with the username. Then again, I wasn't sure - it doesn't quite...make sense, still? :)
He meant the other way around - Those of us who have waited since the beginning and paid whatever it was we paid back then (I'm an old man now - senility is...uh...what was I saying?) will, in the end, have paid less for our pandora than what it has cost to produce. If you upgrade, you will pay something closer to a proper price.

Saw you were swedish, too. Kinda figured, with the username. Then again, I wasn't sure - it doesn't quite...make sense, still? :)

Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, what can I say... I like to shoot dogs! ;) J/K
I dont want to cancel my order what would the point in that be.

your answer is just what I am talking about

Can nobody get the message here we are listening to this typical type

answers all the time.

I cannot understand why you went the route of the 7 day

Surely you seem to be able to supply them in 7 days instantly

You should have given the real Pandora People like me

the Pandora before these leeches!

WE are the people that paid first this goes against all the laws of fairness I know.

I have waited two long years.

Why can we not be shipped our order now ( i mean anyone over two years)

I do not understand why I get more or less shut up and wait

I have waited and waited someone its time too kick ass!!

Why do you tell us we are nearly there when nobodys knows where there is.

Please somebody answer this with a bit of real logic cause I cannot seem

to get sense out of nobody

I am not letting this go

Answer now?

At the risk of repeating what others have already said, you need to be directing you're ire at CC THEY are the ones causing the delay, if they aren't shipping boards to the UK in a timely fashion (interesting to know what their excuse is this time!) the team are screwed no boards = no built or shipped (non-premium) units.. exasperating i know! (i'm an early day 2 pre-orderer, who is still waiting!!) but what are the team to do?

Short of CC getting their act together, there is very little any of us can do - 2 options, either cancel & ask for a refund or keep waiting.
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Short of CC getting their act together, there is very little any of us can do - 2 options, either cancel & ask for a refund or keep waiting.
In defense of CircuitCo, I don't think there's a need to direct ire anywhere. Months ago, when the Pandora project was being managed by a different person, there was room for ire. This new guy has been in contact with ED, gives updates, sets proper schedules and at least tries to keep to them and says when they don't. CC optimistically took too big of a bite, but in the last month they have actually made progress in chewing and swallowing. Not as much progress as anyone would like, but it is at least something, enough to prove that they can actually do it. They're working on a large and complex project, just like OPT is, and just like we give OPT our understanding that they took on a project they didn't fully grasp, we should give similar understanding to CC.

Now, at least. A few months back when they said boards were done when in fact absolutely nothing had been done, they could hang. :P
You should have given the real Pandora People like me

the Pandora before these leeches!
Sorry, but I have to respond to this.

I'm not a premium customer myself, but many of the premium customers are "real Pandora People" like you who decided to upgrade to either support the team, receive their unit sooner or both.

Your statement is not only incorrect and inappropriate but also totally uncalled for, as the premium customers are what allows the team to survive right now (they are losing money on the regular units).

That said, this is the way the world works. People with more money have access to more options. You want the same? Get educated and get a better job.

If you can't live with this, then commit suicide. [edit]Apologies for the phrasing, please read my post below.[/edit]
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well Ive had a pandora since june and I still paid the amount for the upgrade. The thing is this is a small endeavour and its bound to come with bumps but they will get there accept that and just wait.
there is no need to says things like this.
Yes, you are right. I suppose I phrased it a bit too harshly. I wasn't my intent to offend anyone, apologies if I have done so.

I meant in no way to really suggest he should do so. My point was, you can be pissed and worked up about it, but that is a waste of your energy as it won't change anyway.

it's ok bro, i suppose sometimes the mood on the forum is so tense and negative.. it affects us to the point we become excessive in our words...

but it takes courage to admit it and take back the words, i thank you and genuinely respect you for that.


I sure hope Craig and EvilDragon are going to have a book published about all of this, the dramas and the crazy people.. I'm sure it'll sell well :)
I'd pre-order that! :D (I'm serious.)

I upgraded to a premium just a few days ago, even though I am in the 1100-1200 queue pos and was quite likely to receive it within this month via my orig preorder. I wanted to support the team, because the reality is if they can't make up the losses and have anything else happen then noone will get it.
I'd imagine that the majority of premium orders are upgrades like yours, who already have a "queue position" of some type. On that basis, I'd have thought that the total number of orders remains pretty constant, so OP should be able to deliver them all with the components already ordered and all that's really happening is a bit of juggling of positions. Those with the money to upgrade can get in early, but their earlier queue position will also go to somebody else previously behind them in the queue. Those of us choosing to wait can sit a bit more comfortably, knowing that OP has money coming in again and our order looks more secure.

Personally I can't afford the upgrade and I'm willing to wait. There's plenty of drama along the way to keep me entertained in the meantime! (Seriously, can't wait for that book...)
but I accept the argument that us preorderers are getting our units for below cost, especially when you factor in all the delays in production, so I don't object to OPT getting a bit more money.
I paid 365€ for my Pandora with extra battery and tv-out in July 2009. The 7-day Pandora only costs 27€ more.

Yeah, I paid the fucking dev fund too. That's my share of their "bit more money", or should I say fuck-up margin money.

There's really no argument, just amateurs with excuses.
I originally ordered in May 2009 and was approximately 1650 - 1750 in the Batch 1 queue. For sometime during the long waiting period I contemplated buying other gadgets including a Wiz, Dingoo, etc just to keep me occupied while I waited for my Pandora. I didn't and kept waiting and waiting thinking that delivery would be imminent.

I too was somewhat annoyed when the Premium Pandoras were announced and when I still didn't really see an improvement in delivery times, I caved in and upgraded to a Premium Pandora. Part of my justification was that I could have already blown the money on one of the aforementioned gadgets anyway.

I'm glad I did as I've now had my Pandora for about 6 weeks, and reading the forums it appears that I still would not have received my queue position Pandora.

Also, to anyone who is in the queue after me: You're welcome, as me forking out extra cash to buy a Premium Pandora means that you have moved up the queue by one position.
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Also, to anyone who is in the queue after me: You're welcome, as me forking out extra cash to buy a Premium Pandora means that you have moved up the queue by one position.

For fun, I did a little calculation: 27€ / 647 days of waiting since payment ~= 0.04€ or 4 cents extra per day.

All those worthless 5-cents I fed to birds in the park could easily afford me a "premium". On this time scale (approaching 2 years) the extra is nothing to what I was already charged.

I'd accept the deal that OpenPandora pays me 5 cents for every extra day I have to wait for the Pandora that was due to release in 2 months at the time of my purchase, but that I have to pour it in their pockets instead as a "realization bonus" to fight the odds of the ever-stretching schedule, is outrageous.
For fun, I did a little calculation: 27€ / 647 days of waiting since payment ~= 0.04€ or 4 cents extra per day.

Or you could have just put the money in a savings account, where it would now be worth about the right amount for a Premium Pandora after that time, even on a modest savings rate for an account with ONLY that much in. In the process, you would have still had freedom over your money, not supported anyone, and would still be able to jump the queue and get a device months before your initial investment would have paid off or before most people who did sink money into the company even got a delivery date. Also you would have been a bit more certain in the knowledge that your money wouldn't just disappear into a bankruptcy.

I never understood the attitude that OP Ltd. is anything other than an ordinary business producing a quite-ordinary electronic device or why, if you have the impression that's not true, it was worth such risk and rudeness to get this far. I have to give OP credit here - their salesmanship is fabulous. I reckon they could sell ice to the eskimo, or out-sell any snake-oil salesman any day. They actually get people to part with extra money to jump a queue ahead of everyone else who's probably been in it for many years longer and absorbed 99% of the risk. It's fabulous.
Also, to anyone who is in the queue after me: You're welcome, as me forking out extra cash to buy a Premium Pandora means that you have moved up the queue by one position.

To anyone after you in the queue it makes no difference if you upgraded or not. They would've moved up a position with this Pandora being shipped regardless of you getting it or the person who's fair turn it was to get his/hers. Due to the parts to assemble the Pandora's being scarce the extra cash is not speeding up anything. They just get produced faster so there is more rest for the team whilst waiting for the next batch of boards to arrive.

So if you were the only person to upgrade anyone after you will get his Pandora at the same time they would've if you hadn't upgraded, anyone before you now has to wait a bit longer.

We should thank you though for financially helping OPT survive. So thanks! :)
I have to give OP credit here - their salesmanship is fabulous. I reckon they could sell ice to the eskimo, or out-sell any snake-oil salesman any day. They actually get people to part with extra money to jump a queue ahead of everyone else who's probably been in it for many years longer and absorbed 99% of the risk. It's fabulous.
Why not just start a pyramid scheme? Somebody will always commend & applaud a successful scoundrel. It's such a dirty world where assholes are sexy. I'd take that snake oil over a Pandora at this point anyway, at least I'd have a slight chance of placebo effect.