Move "Other Consoles" to the main forum?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
As other consoles is a popular section I was thinking it might be best in the main forum instead of being hidden in the drop down menu.
I feel it may suffer and die being hidden away like that.
What does everyone think?
Stuff like Gp32x offline gaming league has no posts since 2013. Do we still need it? Or can it be added to the gp32x section?

Other consoles is one of my favourite sections on this forum.
The full Other Consoles section (incl. the GPH devices) or only the Everything else section?

Hmm, I haven't tried: Does the forum save when you hide a category? If that's the case, no one would have issues if it's in the main forum.
The full Other Consoles section (incl. the GPH devices) or only the Everything else section?

Hmm, I haven't tried: Does the forum save when you hide a category? If that's the case, no one would have issues if it's in the main forum.

The full Other Consoles section (incl. the GPH devices) or only the Everything else section?

Hmm, I haven't tried: Does the forum save when you hide a category? If that's the case, no one would have issues if it's in the main forum.

Yes, I was referring to the "everything else" section. Could we rename it "other consoles" and put it back in the main forum perhaps. But maybe we need to accommodate the gph and android forums too? Ps, Happy new year.
Umm... you can search it now...?

I can?

If I go <a href="">here</a>, the 'search in forums' list doesn't contain anything that looks like 'other consoles'. Although it seems if I pick the right search terms, I can find ex-gp32x threads by searching all forums.

I'd like to be able to find my old gp32x posts though, and I can't remember at all what I wrote, but I think I made less than a dozen posts on those boards, so it shouldn't be hard to find my first post.
I agree that it'd be nice to put all the forum content together, so i don't have to go to another tab for the other consoles.
I'd also support that as well. having it in another tab makes it harder to reach the "New Posts" link after viewing a post there, and the New Posts page doesn't separate the sections anyway, so for me, merging them back into the main forums would just mean less hassle.
