Need Comp4all Banner for OpenTyrian


Sarcasm Dispenser
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
I'm working on a Port of OpenTyrian with Comp4all support, I finished hacking in a method to upload the score on completion of a level.. What I need is some artwork help for a banner. I'm no photoshop wizard.. I wasn't sure if that was something Milkshake handles on his own or was it something I was supposed to handle..
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I'm working on a Port of OpenTyrian with Comp4all support, I finished hacking in a method to upload the score on completion of a level.. What I need is some artwork help for a banner. I'm no photoshop wizard.. I wasn't sure if that was something Milkshake handles on his own or was it something I was supposed to handle..
Oh, I can't wait for this one.  OpenTyrian is a fave of mine.
I think Milkshake already made something for it on his own on the c4all site.. but if you want to try and improve it I'm sure he wouldn't mind..

are you gonna want 1 for each episode?

or would you just add the text saying which episode later?
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Ok guys i've been messing about in GIMP all day and, after much experimentation, this is what i've come up with. I hope you like:






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just checked the site out and it looks good. Havent been able to post a score just yet as i'm having issues with my wi-fi at the moment :S
It may not be you Wifi, Did you upgrade your PND? I made a recent update on Friday and made it so the old PND won't submit a score.