Release NetHack 3.6.6

Magic Sam

Forever Homebrew
Aug 10, 2007
Yuzu onsen
Hi all !

I have compiled NetHack 3.6.1 on the Pandora :)


Grab it on the Repo while it's hot !

New in build #1

- NetHack 3.6.1 (TTY / ncurses version) from git on March the 5th, 2017
- Followed the NewInstall.unx procedure
- Used Bison / Flex instead of YACC / Lex
- Compiled with @ptitSeb 's latest beta Code::Blocks (didn't use the default CFLAGS though) (fixed in build #4 ?)
- Terminal emulator is XFCE's Terminal
- Original source code is in the PND (removed it)


- Add an icon and some previews (fixed in build #2)
- Make the icon transparent (alpha layer) (fixed in build #2)
- Improve the description field (I had to trim it down, as it made the XML parser crash) (fixed in build #2)
- Add all graphical ports (X11, GTK, Qt) to the PND
- Add only my diffs to the src directory (fixed in build #2)
- Add some documentation (man pages, guide book) (fixed in build #3)
- Fine tune file permissions in appdata directory (some files are no longer chmod 600) (fixed in build #4 ? )
- Reduce the size of the package (~100MB) (removed the complete source code)
- Install the binaries and the configuration files in separate directories (INSTDIR vs VARDIR) (fixed in build #4 ? ) --> leads to more issues with the nethack script...
- Add "contact local support" details (see:
- Turn "autopickup" OFF by default ? (OPTIONS=!autopickup in .nethackrc) (fixed in build #2)
- Colors ? (OPTIONS=color in .nethackrc) (fixed in build #2)
- Use the d-pad to move around ? (won't fix)
- Make NetHack ask for the player's name ? (OPTIONS=name: player in .nethackrc) (fixed in build #2)
- Provide a default .nethackrc for the Pandora ? (fixed in build #2)
- The game sometimes overlaps the menu at the bottom of the screen ? (setting Terminal to fullscreen seems to solve the issue) (fixed in build #3)
- Find a way to share bones files within the community ?
- Add hilite_pet and hilite_status to .nethackrc (fixed in build #4)

EDIT: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Last edited:
Hi all :)

I pushed a new build to the Repo !

New in build #2

- Fixed the icon transparency
- Added a preview
- Description is a bit longer now
- Added the two files I modified in the src directory
- Provided a default .nethackrc: autopickup is OFF, colors are ON, and the game now asks for your name

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all :)

I pushed a new build to the Repo !

New in build #2

- Fixed the icon transparency
- Added a preview
- Description is a bit longer now
- Added the two files I modified in the src directory
- Provided a default .nethackrc: autopickup is OFF, colors are ON, and the game now asks for your name

Cheers, Magic Sam
Pretty sure the 3.6.1 default config is actually sane? E.g. "don't pickup everything", colors are default, pets are highlighted, etc, unlike 3.4.3 or 3.6.0...
Hi all :)

@FIQ: could you please point me to this 3.6.1 default config ? My previous build didn't have those options set by default, this is why I bundled a .nethackrc with it this time.

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1488958541,1488956922][/doublepost]Oh, btw, do you guys think XFCE Terminal is the best terminal emulator for this kind of task ? Would you prefer another emulator (xterm, rxvt, rxvt-unicode, etc...)

Thanks for your input :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1488966128][/doublepost]Hi again !

Build #3 is on the Repo !

New in build #3

- Added the "Guidebook for NetHack" to the Documentation menu (for @Eight Bit ;) )
- XFCE Terminal is now fullscreen and without any menu bars

Cheers, Magic Sam
xfce-term is a fine terminal emulator if you already have the gnome libs. All other terminal emulators I've tried are either not as good, do things too differently for my uses, or require too many dependencies.
Hmm, the release notes say that 3.6.6 fixes a security flaw that was present all the way back in 3.6.1. Might wanna hurry up in passing on that fix.

Here I am wondering what a game with no network features is doing having security flaws.
Hi all,

I just updated my Nethack port to 3.6.6 :)

Grab it on the Repo while it's hot:

What's new in build #4 ?

- Updated the game to the current version (3.6.6)
- Compiled it with @ptitSeb 's final Code::Blocks release from May 2020 (GCC 9.3)
- Updated the Guidebook to 3.6.6
- Added hilite_pet and statushilites:10 to .nethackrc
- Updated the source code and modified files in src (removed a dependency on -ltinfo in the hint file)

Cheers, Magic Sam