"no Sir ... I Don't Like It" (ds Lite)

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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I got the chance to try it out at Gamestop the other day; it had the new SMB demo. LOVED the game instantly; so much so I bought it on the spot.

The new system however was underwhelming. It's too damn small, and the buttons feel tiny. I'll admit that the screens did look brighter, but for me, tactile feedback is very important while playing video games .. especially so on a handheld. The DS lite just feels flimsy, and the plastic seems 'softer' than my original DS ... :blink:

They did a good job on the GBA with the SP model, as it was a more radical re-design and added some sorely needed missing features, instead of this minor cosmetic touch-up.

I'm very glad I got the chance to try it out (more so, for getting to play the new SMB :D )

Super Mario Bros? How's it play?

Too bad about the DS lite. And to think one of the reasons I never got one is I kept thinking the DS lite would rock the original in the same way my 9yo daughter's GBA SP rocks my 6yo daughter's GBA.
Overall I will probably stick with my original DS.

Don't get me wrong - I love the redesign, but that's all it is. If I was buying a new DS now I would get the new model but I don't think it's worth upgrading to.

My girlfriend has the DS Lite and the screens are fantastic , I even disagree with you about the controls (I think the lite has more satisfyingly chunky buttons than the original.) but it isn't the major upgrade that was done to the GBA.
I couldnt go back to the original, due to the much improved d-pad. It "rocks" so much easier for games such as Mario Kart. Also the raised buttons keep me from getting cramps. Not to mention its lighter, so its more comfortable to hold with one hand for those games that require stylus. For these reasons i love it.
I couldnt go back to the original, due to the much improved d-pad.

When I was playing TetrisDS with old DS, it accidentally took my input to drop down so many times, but with DS Lite, either my skill has improved overnight, or I almost never have those accidental drops any more.
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I thought the same thing. mr. horse ftw!

edit: sparked nostalgia
Powdered Toast Man is all manner of awesome.

Also, I'm probably going to get a DS Lite when I get my tax money back. I found out I don't actually owe $1000 but am owed $400 or so. That money is already spent.
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I thought the same thing. mr. horse ftw!

edit: sparked nostalgia

It's the episode where Mr. Horse tests some kitty litter...

I am such a dork for remembering that after having stopped watching it for many years...
no you're not. Ren & Stimpy is one of the greatest cartoons ever created.

If you're planning on buying some official dvds of it, wait until the 'ultimate boxed set' comes out later this year or early 2007. It has every episode every produced, all the bonus shit, and even includes the adult party cartoon stuff. It's gonna kick ass.
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Ive heard people have dead pixels on both screens
I will go mental if mine when i buy it has dead pixels
Does anyone know about return policies for a faulty screen
Also telco i think its because it was an instore ds, everyone plays on them and they get wrecked real easy
If mine doesnt turn out good, im getting refund
I've got 2 lazy pixels on my fat arsed DS they are at the edges so don't bother me, I did Email Nintendo to ask them there returns policy on dead/lazy pixels and they said if it bothers you and it's under the warrenty just send em it in the post and they will fix it and return it to me.

I didn't bother returning it to them as I don't trust the post office nor do I trust them not to give me someone elses knackered reconditioned one, the 2 pixels don't bother me they are hardly noticeble unlike the 4 bright write pixels I have on my PSP :angry:

I have no intention of trading in my DS for a Lite but I might get one down the line to add to my collection, after all I have all the GBA re-designs (GBMicro is the best by far) and all but the original and Light GBs.
Me and my brother both got Nintendo DS lites and they have no dead pixels.

I much prefer it because I can see the screen and it can fit in my pocket. Plus it looks really freaking cool, combined it with iPod headphones and you will confuse people to death :D
Even if they have any bad pixels, Nintendo will fix it almost no questions asked.

My original DS had one stuck pixel on the top screen. I filled out the online form, sent it in (their expense), and to it back in like a week.
i wasnt to convinced to begin with but as you use the lite the benefits start to show, i too kept accidentally fast dropping my blocks on tetris, but not on the lite, i could build by turbo up much quicker on mariokart and best of all the cramp i kept getting in thumbs dont happen anymore, so i really do think the design isnt just for the 'looks' but its easier to use. as for new smb, it was fun at first but got bored on world 6, its not the classic i was expecting, i enjoyed princess peach more.
Ren & Stimpy died for me after John K. was out of the picture ... :angry:

Another thing; I read that the Stylus is improved ... I use a pen-sized stylus from an older Wacom graphics tablet :P </brag>
I refuse to buy a DS until they'll make a version of StarCraft for it. :(

- Alex
Another thing; I read that the Stylus is improved ...

Yes the new stylus is longer and bigger.

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