No0b preorder question


Still Fresh
Jun 7, 2012
Newhampshire, United States
Last week (may 31st 2012) I pre ordered the pandora. I now know that there are now a suspicious bunch of pandoras in stock. If there are still pre orders from years ago why are there sudenly units available for stock? Also if they are in stock, does this mean that my pre ordered unit will be available soon?

Also the price listed originaly in the preorder page was something like 370 Euros which is about $450 (im from the US so theres no Rediculous consumer tax :D ). The price listed on the Gp2x shop is about $100 more and the oprice is about $50 more. Is the price listed on the preorder page still valid, if not il still probably buy just wondering what i got myself into.

Anyway just wanted clarification. Also i just signed p to the from like 5 minutes ago so don't hate on me for being new :)
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Yours is probably the 500 Mhz one, since you need a special preorder for the 1 Ghz one.

Thanks just making sure. Trying to convince my parents as to why I need this newfangled device. I'm trying to figure out the details as to what I just blindly preordered :)
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If there are still pre orders from years ago why are there sudenly units available for stock?
Cataclysms plus some poor planning and a large dose of an incompetent production facility caused the release to be delayed, and then when they were finally being produced, that production slowed to a virtual crawl such that 3.5 years later there are still people that haven't gotten their Pandora. The further downside is that all these delays have cost the Pandora Team a lot of money in the form of loan interest, storage fees, and substantial damaged parts. They were faced with a difficult choice: declare bankruptcy, or find an alternative revenue stream to continue funding the project. If they'd gone through bankruptcy, that would have been it: no one would have gotten their Pandora or a refund, everything would have just been gone. The alternative revenue stream they came up with was to sell in-stock Pandoras as they are being produced at a higher price to cover their losses while slowly shipping out older orders. If they weren't selling zero day Pandoras for $500 they wouldn't be able to afford to keep the shop running to fulfil the backlog.
Just to add to what WizardStan said, the units that are currently in stock go to new orders like yours. By ordering one, you're also helping one of the old orderers take delivery of theirs. :)

As for what to tell your parents, it's the only pocketable computer of its kind on the market. It has a battery life two to three times that of the average laptop. It's a path to learning Linux and maybe programming, with a whole forum full of developers here to support you. This is in contrast to Sony or Nintendo handhelds which are only designed to play mindless games full of sex, violence and veiled drug references. Ok, I may have laid that last sentence on a little thick.
Trying to convince my parents as to why I need this newfangled device. I'm trying to figure out the details as to what I just blindly preordered :)

because it runs linux, can emulate a good number of gaming consoles which you now don't have to collect, because it is a full computer with touch display and gaming nubs and d-pads in one minute package, because it's cool and because you're now making new friends on this forum just by buying it and participating and because you like gaming and because of the battery life and because it's a niche device and because it's probably the biggest new "jobs and wozniak"-style invention (i.e. small team, big idea) and because you always wanted an open linux computer that you can carry in your pocket and because now you can watch films on the bus and because it has wifi and bluetooth and because later on you can connect it to the tv to watch films and play games from those other consoles that you now don't have to collect etc. etc. etc.
You will receive a mail about how to finish the preorder within the next few days.

You preordered within those 1 - 2 days where we switched from preorders to on stock :)
Ooh, good news. Since I ordered on the 24th I hope I'll receive a mail too.
mindless games full of sex, violence and veiled drug references.

I preordered mine on the 26th and paid my 385 euros for the tv out and unit but the payment payment confirmation said " EUR" as if it didn't register the payment...
I preordered mine on the 26th and paid my 385 euros for the tv out and unit but the payment payment confirmation said " EUR" as if it didn't register the payment...

That was a bug on the script - it didn't show the amount.

But this mail was a confirmation that money arrived :)
If it's of any help, I'm pretty sure that all confirmations are sent via e-mail. :P