October Wish List

I wish me Mediathekview for Pandora :D

Much interesting TV Shows for German Pandora User,please port it anyone ;)


It is Java based,should be no Problem,the only Problem is that it require VLC for streaming.

and my Second Wish is that anyone try to port Java with LinuxBochs GL Files,

then can we all use much Java OpenGL 3D Games and Software....

....maybe....maybe......The real Minecraft ^_^
Haha, very nice list ingoreis!

Btw. You know this is the compo4all forum section you are now posting in? ;)  
ooops sorry :rolleyes:

I saw a Wishlist,but dont rekognized the Section :rolleyes:

Was again too fast writing,sorry :lol:
Is it possible to get Burning Fight?
Not sure, didn't test it. 

You can help by playing it in Panmame and check if a hi file is created. 

After playing you should see a .hi file in /pandora/appdata/panmame/hi . Burning fight will probably have a highscore file like bfight.hi 

If so, you can upload that file here (zip it and attach to your post) it would make it easier for me to test the game. 
Allright, will do, thanks for the instructions.

EDIT Installed PanMame, tried three different BF versions, none runs :(

Sorry not to be of help here.

I know BF pretty well from the SNK Vol. 1 (PSP) and since there are highscores, I thought finding C4A compatibility out would be a matter of minutes lol. How wrong I was.
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I just tried it. It does work on panmame, a bit choppy sound though on my classic Pandora. This is a Neo Geo game, so you need to install the Neo Geo rom too before you are able to play the game. Search for "neogeo.zip" bios on google and you will find it. 

I think you just need to add the file in the /pandora/appdata/panmame/rom folder and it should work in Panmame. 

But... after playing the game didn't create a hi file so not possible for c4a :(
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Aaah of course!! Right ....

Pity, not possible for c4a then...

I got going with Time Pilot and Gyruss later last night to get over it .D
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Attached are the hi files for Space Panic, Pang and Lode Runner. My usual high score name is LVI, and I'm scored as that in Pang and Lode Runner (with scores of 136400 stage 8 and 19340 stage 2 respectively). In Space Panic I fluffed my score entry due and first entered 'LLLLLLLLL' before deleting that and eventually getting as close as 'LVVI' before the time ran out. with score 5180.

Oddly, my copy of Space Panic boots up a bit oddly with the best scorer name replaced by 'UNVILLLLLL' until the play demo pops up, when the name corrects itself to 'LVVI'. Seems to be a weird amalgam of 'UNIVERSAL' (the defaut name), 'LLLLLLLLL' and 'LVVI'. It's doubly odd as the high score file is tiny and hardly seems to have space for all those names. First three digits of my score seem to be in bytes 2,3 and 4 in BCD. I'll have to see if I can top 10k, but I suspect the 1 from that score would go in byte 1.

Edit: Attachment removed, cheaters!

Edit: I should mention that Lode Runner appears to have continues, though I don't know if it resets your score on continue yet.
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Unfortunately none of the hi files are accepted by Skeezix' script :(

For your information: I am maintaining a list with the roms I have already tested. You can find it here

Pang and Lode Runner were already tested. Space Panic wasn't, so I will add it as a 'not OK' on the list.

It is good to have double checked the files though. I can make mistakes :)
Ah okay.  I don't see Lode Runner on that list for what it's worth - only Lode Runner 4, which I assume is a different game.

I'm surprised skeezix's code can't handle any of these, since they all preserve scores in their hi files.  Like I say, I've only looked into the space panic file, and that was simple BCD.  Is Skeezix's script available somewhere?  It'd be good to have a copy of it to run myself, and to see if I can understand the capabilities and limitations of his score parser.

FWIW, I found Lode Runner, while allowing continues, resets your score.  It preserves your level, but I don't think this is an advantage, as every level scores similar and later levels are just harder.  Unless there's a bonus level later on, I don't think you're at any advantage.
 Is Skeezix's script available somewhere?
I have got it and I am pretty sure I can distribute it, but like to be sure and will ask him first. It is a python script. I assume there are hi files that can be promoted to working pretty easily. Some hi files are basically only a text file with a score and still make the script return a fail.
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