@Fahrstuhl: I was responding at your quote and your post at the same time

anyway Morrowind actually HAS a questlog, with the Tribunal expansion installed, maybe you played the game without it.
But what you just told about the "wall of text" (LOL) in Morrowind make me think it's just not the game for you, I was in your situation at the start of the game, I started just for a "demo play" and wasn't reading anything... and after 1 hour I was lost... but then something changed, I stopped in the first big city I found and I lost myself in the library, but this time for good !! Listened to all the people and I started to feel the world I was in. I finished Morrowind in 4 years, with some pause, but everytime I restarted to play was just great. And I didn't become a vampire, with it's quest related, or finished the other houses quests, cause you can be only with one house. So there something I missed.
I don't think that flying was cheating, cause the normal potions or scrolls were very slow, and the duration was short, so you wasn't even able to flee with them... the money needed to buy or make something worth were too much... only at higher levels you can get some equipment or spell worth to fly, anyway a mage character need to fly to take shortcuts on mountain paths, instead a thief can jump and run better to get to the same location.
Maybe cheating can be overpowering INTELLIGENCE and CHARISMA (with A LOT of potions) to make SUPER POTIONS to sell (at incredible prices) and drink AGAIN, just to become a super achemist, and then make AGAIN SUPER POTIONS OF FLY... but if you play the normal way, it's not cheating, instead, in the Morrowind world magic is not so powerful like in Oblivion.
without some marker I'd never know if I'm just too stupid for this quest or if the NPC bugged through the floor again.
LOL, this happened to me in Oblivion, the arrow was pointing to the last orc to kill, but there wasn't anyone there !! I passed 30 oblivion days in the area searching for some secret entrance of some sort, but it was there, in the floor !! I had to DUPLICATE it with the console to finish the mission...
Oblivion took me 6 month to finish (all guilds and all "worth" subquests). I just stopped when the last quests were "find all the statue in the temples" and similar... I wasn't going to search the map just to find always the same temple, but in another location, and just to get some coins.