Pandora Order As An Investment


Still Fresh
May 8, 2009
I'm about to move... I need to change the delivery address for my Pandora once I complete my move.

This got me wondering... With as many as 3000 orders over the 11 months since the preorders were taken--has anyone died while waiting for their Pandora? If so, what happens to their order? Does that person's estate get ownership of the Pandora? Can they sell their order?

This got me wondering more... What if I decide that I want to sell my Pandora order to someone else? I paid something like $400 for it, but other people who don't have an order might be willing to pay more for it. Can I eBay my order?

This suggests their might be a market for Pandora orders--if a cool feature or software package is announced the price of a Pandora order would go up... if another delay is announced, the price might go down..

What about Pandora order options... can I sell an option such as {for $20 now, you will have the option to buy my Pandora if it arrives at my house in the 3rd week of October}

Can I buy and sell Pandora orders and Pandora order options in my brokerage account? Has anyone else considered the investment opportunities of Pandora?
If I were OpenPandora and I saw you trying to "sell orders" I'd simply just immediately cancel your order. That's twatish behaviour and is going to get you very quickly hated.
cthulhu944 said:
I'm about to move... I need to change the delivery address for my Pandora once I complete my move.

This got me wondering... With as many as 3000 orders over the 11 months since the preorders were taken--has anyone died while waiting for their Pandora?

You're not right, really, not right.

The rest of your post was ridiculous, but the to have a train of thoughts that goes "I need to change my delivery address... hey I wonder if anybody has died yet" is just plain off.

Anyway you can make an investment out of pretty much anything if you have the expertise. I doubt you'd find anybody with enough experience willing to underwrite such a silly idea (maybe in the days before the crunch...)

You'd be more likely to find a bookmakers willing to take bets on delivery dates. And seeing as investment is just a glorified type of gambling...
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has anyone died while waiting for their Pandora? lol :blink: I think the only person close to death around here will probably be craigx if he doesn't get my Pandora under the tree for christmas! :D :lol:

Edit: Oops, only kidding craigx, remember mine was order number 2 :rolleyes:
You know a product is suffering from serious delays when people start wondering if customers have literally died waiting. :lol:
naples39 said:
You know a product is suffering from serious delays when people start wondering if customers have literally died waiting. :lol:

:o are naples39 and atomicthumbs the only ones on the board with a sense of humor? You other guys need to lighten up a bit... :P
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cthulhu944 said:
:o are naples39 and atomicthumbs the only ones on the board with a sense of humor? You other guys need to lighten up a bit... :P

Nice save of face
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I expect Pandoras to sell for more than the RRP on ebay for a while due to the fact there will be quite a gap between batch1 (the first 4000) and batch2.
craigix said:
I expect Pandoras to sell for more than the RRP on ebay for a while due to the fact there will be quite a gap between batch1 (the first 4000) and batch2.
Hopefully smaller than the gap between batch0 and batch1 :P
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God you're a ferking bender.

No news update since the 11th August! Come on guys, don't hit us with another delay!
craigix said:
I expect Pandoras to sell for more than the RRP on ebay for a while due to the fact there will be quite a gap between batch1 (the first 4000) and batch2.

Ah - but will you guys be the sellers?

Statistics are fun. I'd imagine the chanes are reasonably small that a significant number of Pandora pre-owners died while waiting simply because there seem to be so many youngsters around. Sure you can't ALL die of drug overdoses? We more...ahem, mature pre-owners, on the other hand, didn't get old by taking risks. So we're not going to die in any hurry either
(We outlasted Atari and Sinclair and Acorn and Commodore and Dragon and Sierra and Melbourne House and so on and so forth - we can outlast OpenPandora too! We're gonna live forever!)
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cthulhu944 said:
naples39 said:
You know a product is suffering from serious delays when people start wondering if customers have literally died waiting. :lol:

:o are naples39 and atomicthumbs the only ones on the board with a sense of humor? You other guys need to lighten up a bit... :P
I got it. I'm just.... slow... posting...
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Nation.A.List said:
craigix said:
I expect Pandoras to sell for more than the RRP on ebay for a while due to the fact there will be quite a gap between batch1 (the first 4000) and batch2.
Hopefully smaller than the gap between batch0 and batch1 :P

would that be a couple billion years, since the start of the universe ?
then that might also answer the OP's question if you count all the dinosaurs that never got a Pandora, maybe they found a fossilized preorder.

and btw, what is a "preorder" ?

"pre" means before, so that would be before someone ordered it. ..
if someone ordered it, shouldn't it be called a "post-order" or just simply "an order" ?
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preorder: The period of time before the actual order (within 30 days of delivery) in which we all learn more than we wanted to know about banking, economy, paypal, credit cards, re-preordering, wire transfers, exchange rates, two months™, and all the rest of Murphy's little jokes.

Luckily for all of you, I've found Murphy and gave that bitch a beat down! That should be the last we see of him, I'm sure...
