With the codec pack installed (for legal reasons, various things like DVD and MP3 playback can't be included on the machine itself, so you need to download separately) it can run pretty much everything that you can on your PC. High Definition h264 encoded files (720p) are a little beyond the power of the Pandora right now (there's one additional chip that would change this that we're having difficulty taking advantage of, but eventually) but everything up to standard def 480p work fine. 640x480 and 720x480 videos display perfectly.
^ The codec pack that WizardStan refers to is this one (ignore the screenshot there, it's not relevant to what you actually get - it's just meant as a visual hint that I'm guessing is familiar to users of Microsoft Windows). It's all of the common codecs for Linux (which can generally play just about anything you can throw at them), packaged up so that they can be installed on a Pandora in one go.
EDIT: If you're interested, the Community Codec Pack installs all of the below (I've put it in spoiler-tags because it's a big list), as well as adding support for SD Cards, flash-drives, and hard disk drives that are formatted as NTFS.
CodecPack + PanPlayer (a newer build of mplayer someone did) works very well; the mplayer included with CodecPack is pretty old and performs poorly. With PanPlayer, its shockingly good for a pure software solution, until we get the DSP all sorted out
Few weeks ago i ordered a-data 32gb micro sdhc memory card and it worked few times then my computer didn't read it at all,which was bought from amazon plus i paid postage.
Then i bought Kingston 32gb sdhc memory card same thing happened again,bought from ebay and was free postage
Both sellers said return them full refund will be given,it can be both sellers knew there were fake but they didn't tell me.
How would i know the cards are original not fake,please help me on this.
The vlc player where do i install the file and codecs.
^ The codec pack that WizardStan refers to is this one (ignore the screenshot there, it's not relevant to what you actually get - it's just meant as a visual hint that I'm guessing is familiar to users of Microsoft Windows). It's all of the common codecs for Linux (which can generally play just about anything you can throw at them), packaged up so that they can be installed on a Pandora in one go.
EDIT: If you're interested, the Community Codec Pack installs all of the below (I've put it in spoiler-tags because it's a big list), as well as adding support for SD Cards, flash-drives, and hard disk drives that are formatted as NTFS.
Few weeks ago i ordered a-data 32gb micro sdhc memory card and it worked few times then my computer didn't read it at all,which was bought from amazon plus i paid postage.
Then i bought Kingston 32gb sdhc memory card same thing happened again,bought from ebay and was free postage
Both sellers said return them full refund will be given,it can be both sellers knew there were fake but they didn't tell me.
How would i know the cards are original not fake,please help me on this.
You don't strictly *install* PNDs - you simply put them in a specific location on your SD Card. The Unofficial User Manual covers this. Basically, you would put both VLC and the Community Codec Pack where the instructions tell you to, and then run the Community Codec Pack on your Pandora and wait for it to finish its work. After that, you'll be able to use any application that requires the codecs from the pack, without any problems.
You can put the codec pack in either pandora/apps or pandora/menu on your SD card. Either way, it can then be installed by clicking Pandora Button -> System -> Community Codec Pack Installer
Anything in the "desktop" folder only shows on the desktop. Anything in "menu" only shows up in the Start menu (what's the official name for that, anyway?). Anything in "apps" shows in both. And anything in "mmenu" (note the second M) only shows in Minimenu.