Problem with my order

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I banned because I am stupid
Jun 17, 2004
Well, I should have my gp32 now, but lik-sang did some stupid shit. They charged my card and took my money and now wont send me my gp32 till I verify my account, in all honesty that isnt any work or a hassle at all, but they waited two weeks after they took my money to tell me while this whole time I'm wondering when it's gonna get here. If they wont send to unverified users they shouldnt charge there fucking cards. Now even if wanted to boycott them i cant.

BREAKING NEWS: I cant find the deposits paypal made on my bank satements, damn, I'm fucked, they took my money and deny me of my purchase, haha, I'm fucking pissed.
odd, I got my GP32 in three days (I chose the expensive delivery)
I order a lot from them and I have yet to encounter a problem (except for UPS delivery, they are turds)
If they took the money, surely the transactions must be on your statement?
There on the statement, they took my money all right, but they wont send my gp32, damn I knew I shouldnt of used paypal. My only problem now is that they havent made those deposits that they say they make right when you sign up, so I cant verify. The transaction is complete, lik-sang has my money, I cant get ahold of paypal because they have a non working phone # on there site and dont give out a direct email address.
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Well, I should have my gp32 now, but lik-sang did some stupid shit. They charged my card and took my money and now wont send me my gp32 till I verify my account, in all honesty that isnt any work or a hassle at all, but they waited two weeks after they took my money to tell me while this whole time I'm wondering when it's gonna get here. If they wont send to unverified users they shouldnt charge there fucking cards. Now even if wanted to boycott them i cant.

BREAKING NEWS: I cant find the deposits paypal made on my bank satements, damn, I'm fucked, they took my money and deny me of my purchase, haha, I'm fucking pissed.
Lik-Sang is good. Dont talk shit about them...
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Well, I should have my gp32 now, but lik-sang did some stupid shit. They charged my card and took my money and now wont send me my gp32 till I verify my account, in all honesty that isnt any work or a hassle at all, but they waited two weeks after they took my money to tell me while this whole time I'm wondering when it's gonna get here. If they wont send to unverified users they shouldnt charge there fucking cards. Now even if wanted to boycott them i cant.

BREAKING NEWS: I cant find the deposits paypal made on my bank satements, damn, I'm fucked, they took my money and deny me of my purchase, haha, I'm fucking pissed.
Lik-Sang is good. Dont talk shit about them...
To be honest I havn't had very good experience with lik sang either. I'd reccomend play asia over lik sang any day.
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I got my GP from lik-sang just fine.....If you're using paypal than I feel for ya :( I used it once, got ripped off, threw the card in the damned garbage.

Cash card all the way.
Lik-Sang is good. Dont talk shit about them...
Bullshit, there a bunch of china men with there heads up there asses, they wont send to uverified members but they'll take there money... wtf? that there is some bullshit. I just sent in a request for my money back, I wonder what kind of response I'm gonna get.
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Contact your bank, if its a good one they will help you.

Thats the way to go, you want to know why? because it was your bank that gave the money. They can trace the transactions at international level.

EDIT: ask advice at the bank about to cancel the transaction, if it was via a VISA card, also ask the bank to contact VISA. Phone and write a letter if needed.
I deposited directly into their bank account and have only had good experience with link sang. I am only pissed off at the payback program, I was going to order my GP32 mug and use my points at the same time, saving postage. They said their payback program should begin in June, well, nothing happened so far and now my coupon expired...
Not a single problem when I ordered mine from Lik-Sang. I even used Western Union to send them the money, and it only took about 26 hours shipped out to me!

Hopefully when I decide to buy a BLU they'll have a couple there aswell (likes to order a bunch of stuff at the same time)
Contact your bank, if its a good one they will help you.

Thats the way to go, you want to know why? because it was your bank that gave the money. They can trace the transactions at international level.

EDIT: ask advice at the bank about to cancel the transaction, if it was via a VISA card, also ask the bank to contact VISA. Phone and write a letter if needed.
I'm gonna do that for sure tomorrow if I get no email response. But for some odd reason I have a baaaad feeling lik-sang isnt gonna give me my money back.
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"I deposited directly into their bank account"
That's not a recommend method unless you know the people you are dealing, using VISA or similar its the best way, because they will action against the dealer, if its a serious issue they even may sponsor the case in court with their lawyers.
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Actually Lik sang shouldnt even have to give you your money back as long as you can convince the bank it was an un authoraized transfer. Either that or they (the bank) can help you find the paypal deposits so you can verify the account and get them to send the GP32 already.

it sounds to me like the problem was making the purchase before you made sure your paypal accont was ready.
"I deposited directly into their bank account"
That's not a recommend method unless you know the people you are dealing, using VISA or similar its the best way, because they will action against the dealer, if its a serious issue they even may sponsor the case in court with their lawyers.
Maybe, but I don't have a credit card and frankly I have only heard good things about Lik-Sang so I was prepared to trust them. Also I could always have anulled the transfer should there be any problems (the bank clerk explained it in Detail to me, I don't bother to repeat it all - after all, it worked out nicely).
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