Release ProjectX: Forsaken


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is ProjectX: Forsaken. This is the original Forsaken Windows Game, turned Open Sourced (sources and data).

And a nice Video of the GamePlay on the Pandora by IngoReis​

/!\ On 256Mo model, you'll need a Swapfile to run this game /!\
/!\ On Gigahertz, there are many graphical artifacts with default driver, update to 4.03.02 is advised /!\​

This version is a beta version. It should be fully functional (I tried Single Player and Network, with only 2 Players on Pandora), at least on the beginning but it may crash on later level, with a "Bus error". If this is the case, try to get a savegame near the crashing point, so I can hunt the bug down.

There is a default layout adapted to the Pandora, but you may alter it if it's not to your taste (mainly, invert Y axis maybe).

Left Nub is configured as Joystick, and used for Forward/Back/Strafe.

Right Nub is configured as Mouse, and used for Aiming.

Left Shoulder is Right Click, and Secondary Fire

Right Shoulder is Left Click and Primary Fire

{A}/{B}/{X}/{Y} to cycle Primary/Secondary Weapons

DPad is used to Strafe Up/Down and Roll Left/Right

Note that you can change Nub behavior by changing the "left_nub" and "right_nub" files inside appdata/projectx/

History log




  • Bumped version number to offical version number
  • Moved "left_nub" and "right_nub" to the appdata/projectx (compatible with pndconfig)
  • Fixed the problem after loading a saved game, where mouse was not grabbed


  • Initial release
  • Beta status, may still "Bus error"
  • GLES Renderer, with DownScale of large texture to fit the memory
  • Many ARM adaptation, to avoid Float access unaligned (=> bus error)
  • Default mapping adapted to the Pandora
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YES! I always loved this game

and still got the original. :)

It's better than Descent in some ways.
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The TV commercial for this kept me away from the actually trying the game for years, but played it a few years ago and loved it..

Awesome Ptitseb for another great port.
I loved this game on PC. I played it on a PIII 450 with a Matrox G400 Max and it ran butter smooth. Got to give it a try!
If someone can take video of the gameplay on the Pandora :)

I find it smooth on my Gigahertz, and with smooth to on a OverClcked Rebirth too.
Downloading... Is there a tutorial for dummies about creating and enabling a swap file?
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Great!! Oh and cheats ( ) work too :P

I tend to break right nub functionality though when I try to edit my controls :( In particular, I want the button assigned on S (some sort of turbo?) to be put on E so my left thumb can reach it easily, but i didnzt even find this in the control options for some reason. Maybe also "Speed Up" and "Speed Down" should be assigned somewhere (maybe game buttons Y and A)? These are assignable in the options menu.

Sometimes you have to be faster than whats possible with the nubs alone.
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No Errors so far,playing with Mouse is bit more Easy for me :D

Maybe when i connect it to TV will i use a Real big Keyboard for playing and set the

Controls like Descent 3.

Great Game: :D
Thanks for this nice video ! I'll put it in 1st post and on repo. We can see it plays very well on the Pandora :)

Great!! Oh and cheats ( ) work too :P

I tend to break right nub functionality though when I try to edit my controls :( In particular, I want the button assigned on S (some sort of turbo?) to be put on E so my left thumb can reach it easily, but i didnzt even find this in the control options for some reason. Maybe also "Speed Up" and "Speed Down" should be assigned somewhere (maybe game buttons Y and A)? These are assignable in the options menu.

Sometimes you have to be faster than whats possible with the nubs alone.
The default control needs both Nubs, that's for sure. If you have some good proposal for default setup, please post them and I'll integrate it in next release. Also, don't forget you can invert both nubs by modifying the files "left_nub" and "right_nub" in the appdata/projectx/home folder.
I remember this game, I had a demo. At this time it was one of the graphical outstanding games, great dynamic lightning for it's time and it played pretty smooth on my Voodoo2. :) It also seems pretty smooth on that Video, I guess it's the 1GHz Pandora.
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It should run pretty good on a rebirth, memory may be an issue on CC units. This game is less complex then RTCW and that runs fine on my Rebirth unit OC to 960Mhz.
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I test played on a Rebirth (overclocked to 1GHz) and it was running fine. As TrashyMG wrote, game is less complex than the idTech 3 egine games.
Maybe Tunnel B1 follow soon :)

When i have finaly a Hub again then use i a Real Keyboard on the Pandora for recording Forsaken with more Action :)

I hope i can setup the Controls like Descent3 :)