Reminder: Second Gp32Spain/wiz Contest

Feb 19, 2005
Just a reminder for those intending to submit something to the contest :)

Anarchy (@ gp32spain)
Please remember that the deadline for the second GP32Spain contest is July 31 at 23:59 (GMT+1).
The deadline for donations is August 15 at 23:59 (GMT+1). Until then, you can continue making donations to this paypal account: webmaster((at))
The jury will have 15 days to rate the entries. The results will be published on 16 August.

All participants will have 10 additional days to send bugfixes for their emulators/games, until 10 August at 23:59 (GMT+1).
During these 10 days we will accept only bug-fixes, no more new features, levels, etc. At this point, any additions/new features will not be taken into account by the jury. These 10 additional days are just to fix problems found in their applications.

Donations received so far (July 14, 16.00): €2484 (~$3158.74).
With current donations the prizes are as follows (Important: we have withdrawn €84 from the total pot, for printing and mailing diplomas)

First Category: Games

First prize: 600€ (762,98$) + special diploma.
Second prize: 360€ (457,79$) + special diploma.
Third prize: 240€ (305,19$) + special diploma.
Fourth prize: 1 GP2X WIZ + Pack LIAR + full WIZ accessories + participant diploma.
Fifth prize: Pack LIAR + full WIZ accessories + participant diploma.
Other entries: participant diploma.

Second Category: Emulators
First prize: 600€ (762,98$) + special diploma.
Second prize: 360€ (457,79$) + special diploma.
Third prize: 240€ (305,19$) + special diploma.
Fourth prize: 1 GP2X WIZ + Pack LIAR + full WIZ accessories + participant diploma.
Fifth prize: Pack LIAR + full WIZ accessories + participant diploma.
Other entries: participant diploma.

Can't wait to see the results :)
Nice big prize pool, it should attract some good devs. Franxis says he has something special planned, it will be interesting to see what it is.
I'm posting this on "News Zone", hoping it will make it to the front page. To the mods: feel free to delete this thread afterwards (I was going to report this thread to get it moved to News Zone but the warning on the report form suggested it was not ok to do that...)
I might actually sit down this weekend and try to finish off some things I've had lying around for a while...
The weather here is too damn good to sit behind the screen coding... Where is my Pixel Qi - enabled smartbook, damit! Where is my Adam!

u9i said:
The weather here is too damn good to sit behind the screen coding... Where is my Pixel Qi - enabled smartbook, damit! Where is my Adam!

it's too hot to even go outside - get back to your desk! ;-)
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I don't mean to be whiny but I submitted this to the News Zone four days ago and it still hasn't been approved. There's been no shortage of Pandora news in the meantime. Since it's a "reminder" it'd be good for it to reach people who are working on something for the contest.
thats not good! shouldn't we have a new wiz section moderator already?
crow_riot said:
thats not good! shouldn't we have a new wiz section moderator already?
We have a list of members, and are now just waiting for ED to take action.
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wongojack said:
As far as the paypal account goes, did you put ((at)) on their to avoid formatting issues or is the actual account ((at)) instead of '@' ?

You have to change ((at)) to @ (in fact, I think all personal paypal accounts are also valid emails, but I'm not sure).
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Segata Sanshiro said:
I don't mean to be whiny but I submitted this to the News Zone four days ago and it still hasn't been approved. There's been no shortage of Pandora news in the meantime. Since it's a "reminder" it'd be good for it to reach people who are working on something for the contest.

You mean like how on GP32Spain Pandora news is ignored?
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craigix said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
I don't mean to be whiny but I submitted this to the News Zone four days ago and it still hasn't been approved. There's been no shortage of Pandora news in the meantime. Since it's a "reminder" it'd be good for it to reach people who are working on something for the contest.

You mean like how on GP32Spain Pandora news is ignored?

Well GP32Spain isn't a Pandora community, so they have no obligation to post Pandora news.

GP32x is a Wiz/Pandora community, but Wiz news doesn't get approved as quickly. But this is being seen to as we speak.
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craigix said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
I don't mean to be whiny but I submitted this to the News Zone four days ago and it still hasn't been approved. There's been no shortage of Pandora news in the meantime. Since it's a "reminder" it'd be good for it to reach people who are working on something for the contest.

You mean like how on GP32Spain Pandora news is ignored?

I'm sure they'll be changing the name to PandoraSpain any day now.
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craigix said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
I don't mean to be whiny but I submitted this to the News Zone four days ago and it still hasn't been approved. There's been no shortage of Pandora news in the meantime. Since it's a "reminder" it'd be good for it to reach people who are working on something for the contest.

You mean like how on GP32Spain Pandora news is ignored?

What the hell does other communities possible flaws have to do with this issue? Rethorical question. I dont expect an answer. But it is good to know what to expect should you get more power here then you already have.

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i find the sidekick to the spanish community rather childish; the news themselves or the origin of them should have nothing to do with how fast they get approved.
craigix said:
You mean like how on GP32Spain Pandora news is ignored?

As you probably know, I act as moderator at GP32spain. I think you're actually seeing ghosts where there's just a tremendous lack of cooperation. Let's get things straight:

Our news spool is usually filled up by users willing to propagate news on something they've just downloaded and tried it out. News, as also seems to be the case here in good old GP32x, have to get approved by a handful of people (which includes me, in GP32spain). We DO have problems to get news approved, since most people seem to access directly the forum, skipping the news page. I haven't approved news myself for ages, since I don't have time for keeping up to date with all the news concerning the consoles I have (damn, it was so easy back when we all owned just a barebones GP32). The people who post their own news besides approving others' normally write them after testing the software/hardware. If Anarchy (the main news poster right now and back then) doesn't have a Pandora, he can't test anything, and thus he won't write or approve any news about Pandora. So, for Pandora news to get approved, we needed a "news-approver". We asked for interested people, and it turned out to be that only 4 or 5 people did have the Pandora at the moment, and just one volunteered for the job (although he didn't really do anything). Also, for the news pool to get filled, we need people interested. As I said, less than 10 people have the console at GP32spain, and you can't really blame no one for that except yourself, since we can't generate Pandoras as in Star Trek's food dispensers.

Things will surely change if more people (including Anarchy) get a Pandora, but for now you can't expect better from a community that barely keeps up with the flow of news from a thousands-seller, long-time installed console. Still, the Dingoo A320 has a nice user base in our forums and we've heard no complains about we "ignoring news from it".

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Segata Sanshiro said:
(I was going to report this thread to get it moved to News Zone but the warning on the report form suggested it was not ok to do that...)
Just ignore the warning in the future. It's ok to request that stuff via report button :)
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sbock said:
Thanks to mali for moving the topic to the news. :)

mali said:
Segata Sanshiro said:
(I was going to report this thread to get it moved to News Zone but the warning on the report form suggested it was not ok to do that...)
Just ignore the warning in the future. It's ok to request that stuff via report button :)

Yep, thank you! :)
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