Release Rigel Engine


Very Active Member
Aug 11, 2020
My first dbp is online!

It's a port of Rigel Engine, the re-implementation of the game Duke Nukem II.

Controls can be easily assigned in the options menu. Use the tab "Keyboard controls" to change keys, not Gamepad controls!
Make sure to activate the Widescreen mode in the Enhancements tab. It does not zoom in, it expands the field of view!
I also recommend to activate Smooth scrolling & movement.

Have fun!
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Since I mainly use Bullseye now, I have just realized that it is not running under Debian 10 Buster!
It needs more recent versions of libc6 and libstdc++6 than Buster provides.

You can get a Bullseye image from here:
Flash it on a SD card to boot from it, then the game will run fine :)

And this is where the advantage of the dbp system becomes apparent: Just boot another OS from the left card slot and your stored dbp games and apps from the SD card in the right slot can be used immediately!


Reuploaded build running under Debian 10 Buster!
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