Screen Protectors


Still Fresh
Mar 1, 2009
I have always used thin film screen protectors (Invisible Shield for example) on my mobile devices... cell phones, MP3 players, Game Boy, etc. Even though I am very careful with all my devices, it gives me piece of mind to know that if my screen does somehow get knicked or scratched, all I have to do is peel the protector off and apply a new one. Does anyone plan to use a screen protector on their Pandora? If so, what are you planning to use?
I think I might want to use one, but really only if I can get it easily. Okay, maybe I can cut something to size, but I'll be mostly using the bottom half of the Pandora to protect it.
I bought Zagg's invisible shield few days ago from here the day that store had a 50% off, luckily I saw the thread announcing it in time.

Shipping from the US to Europe without tracking... I wonder which one I'll receive first, the pandora or this item. :D
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joseluisjazz said:
I bought Zagg's invisible shield few days ago from here the day that store had a 50% off, luckily I saw the thread announcing it in time.

Shipping from the US to Europe without tracking... I wonder which one I'll receive first, the pandora or this item. :D

Ditto. Mine shipped 3 days ago.
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i think op team should include a screen protector already attached to the screen like some cell phone companies do
joseluisjazz said:
I bought Zagg's invisible shield few days ago from here the day that store had a 50% off, luckily I saw the thread announcing it in time.

Shipping from the US to Europe without tracking... I wonder which one I'll receive first, the pandora or this item. :D

Me as well. I've never really bothered with screen protectors and the like before, but I figure with all the use I'll be getting out of the Pandora, there's no time like the present, especially since it has a touchscreen. I want my investment to last. :)

And I'd bet you $20 that the screen protector reaches you first. ;)
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When I bought LCD screens once, bare with their controllers, there was a plastic screen protector that came on the screen by default. But to fit them inside a case you had to remove them. Re-adding them after fitting would probably take more time and risk damage to the screens, so it's probably best you do this on your own at your own risk.


See green tab, it pulls the protector off.
I was thinking of using one, I don't want to damage the screen, it is touchscreen after all. DAMN IT, I didn't know that Zagg delivered to Europe/UK, I would've ordered in the sale too, I knew about it in time.

I'm planning on using this one for the Archos 605 (My link).
darien said:
When I bought LCD screens once, bare with their controllers, there was a plastic screen protector that came on the screen by default. But to fit them inside a case you had to remove them. Re-adding them after fitting would probably take more time and risk damage to the screens, so it's probably best you do this on your own at your own risk.


See green tab, it pulls the protector off.

I don't mean to go too off-topic, but is that some kind of Wacom alternative you're hacking together there? Just curious. I think I recognize the controls mounted atop the screen from my Bamboo tablet. :)
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skyeyemachine said:
I don't mean to go too off-topic, but is that some kind of Wacom alternative you're hacking together there? Just curious. I think I recognize the controls mounted atop the screen from my Bamboo tablet. :)

Yeah, it's a 7-inch DIY cintiq. It's okay, but needs to be slightly more responsive.
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darien said:
See green tab, it pulls the protector off.
I might be wrong, but I don't think that's a screen protector intended for general use; going by the bubbles around the edge, it looks like it's just a protective film to make sure the screen doesn't get scratched during shipping.

You wouldn't want that stuck under a bezel, it probably wouldn't last very long before getting damaged, and then it'd be a pig to remove...

Cool mod, by the way.
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wow those invisible shield things look awesome.. i'm going to go around my house applying invisible shields to everything now to keep them perfect ^_^

but won't the one for the archos screen which you guys bought for the pandora be a different shape? I mean I know the screen is the same but doesn't it fit the entire unit not just the screen?

plus I watched the installation video, it has you spray the screen and then apply it to the device and squeegee the stuff out, won't the liquid get between the edges of the screen and the case as you do that? I dunno, i'm pretty good with my devices and stuff so unless they made a custom pandora one I doubt i'd bother.
Paradox said:
plus I watched the installation video, it has you spray the screen and then apply it to the device and squeegee the stuff out, won't the liquid get between the edges of the screen and the case as you do that? I dunno, i'm pretty good with my devices and stuff so unless they made a custom pandora one I doubt i'd bother.

Zagg is a very good product overall. It works like a car tint(water solution to make it stick, and can move around during install), and works very well once it drys. I currently have it on my ds lite, g1 cell phone, psp, and gp2x. Yes you have to be very careful with the install. I have done it so many times, it doesn't bother me anymore, but the liquid can damage your device if you get silly. I like it because unlike standard screen protection, you can move it around once it is placed, and re-apply as long as it stays wet. Yeah, don't buy this product if you have a problem getting your device slightly wet. If you don't mind though, it is a very good product that provides a very durable layer of protection on your electronic device! Any questions feel free to ask!

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I'm not putting one on mine. The screen is going to be plenty safe when I'm not using it. It has a resistive touch layer over the screen so that is already going to protect the screen from any little scratches ;) If anything, it might reduce the usability of the touch screen.
Kagato said:
I might be wrong, but I don't think that's a screen protector intended for general use; going by the bubbles around the edge, it looks like it's just a protective film to make sure the screen doesn't get scratched during shipping.

You wouldn't want that stuck under a bezel, it probably wouldn't last very long before getting damaged, and then it'd be a pig to remove...

Shipping protective film is soft and a bit 'elastic' too, any stylus or pointer action would be a bit 'grabby' and it would tear quickly.
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Paradox said:
but won't the one for the archos screen which you guys bought for the pandora be a different shape? I mean I know the screen is the same but doesn't it fit the entire unit not just the screen?
They sell one that fits the entire unit, and one that fits the entire screen for about $10 less.
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Tensuke said:
Paradox said:
but won't the one for the archos screen which you guys bought for the pandora be a different shape? I mean I know the screen is the same but doesn't it fit the entire unit not just the screen?
They sell one that fits the entire unit, and one that fits the entire screen for about $10 less.

oh now THAT'S interesting.. I think I might actually spring for a screen only one then.. is the link at the start of this thread the exact one I want for the pandora? it's the same screen exactly right?
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MDave said:
I'm not putting one on mine. The screen is going to be plenty safe when I'm not using it. It has a resistive touch layer over the screen so that is already going to protect the screen from any little scratches ;) If anything, it might reduce the usability of the touch screen.
I was debating against a similar oppinion myself. I figure though that, while it's pretty unlikely that the screen will be scratched or damaged in the long run, I will regret it if it does. Better to spend $15 now than to go through all the bother and expense of getting a new screen later. It's the most fragile and exposed part of the entire device, after all. :huh:

If it does reduce the touchscreen's usability, though, I'll probably just go without. But I'm hoping the screen is sensitive enough to react despite the covering. :P
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