Snes9x4P restore overwritten save states?


Could crush a grape
May 11, 2009
I've been playing Earthbound for a looong time now, trying to slog my way through. I'm usually pretty careful when loading my save states but it was inevitable that I would cock up at some stage and just now WAS that stage... I reckon I've only lost a couple of hours, but I'm still annoyed with myself.

Now, I hadn't updated to the newly released version yet, ironically just in case it messed about with my current saves. My question is, and I doubt it very highly but; is there any way to reclaim an overwritten save state slot? If not then could a method to combat accidents be considered in a future revision (assuming it hasn't already!)? Something like an 'are you sure' option when overwriting.
Nah, your save state is probably gone. You could nose around your appdata folder, but I'd assume it wrote over the file.

I know the NES emulator I use has an option you can set to prompt for a message when loading or saving a state, though I can't recall off of the top of my head if SNES can....
Now, I hadn't updated to the newly released version yet, ironically just in case it messed about with my current saves. My question is, and I doubt it very highly but; is there any way to reclaim an overwritten save state slot? If not then could a method to combat accidents be considered in a future revision (assuming it hasn't already!)? Something like an 'are you sure' option when overwriting.
Your save *is* lost if you have overwritten it. Clearly a case of "bad luck"! No, there is no switch to "ask if you really want to save" and there are no plans for this to be implemented.
How about time stamp dated saves within a slot and the option to choose between them on a re-load of that slot? Iol

How about time stamped donations based on the requests we get for our time? Now you're talking.