So where are we with the Pyra--really?

Because you paid
Is that your complete answer ? We don't know when @Djoga'Ro paid.
I'm not interested in the particular case of @Djoga'Ro but if I understood how it works, anyone could have paid later than one month after receiving the mail and still get a Pyra. (one month is just an example deadline here)
Would that be fair, according to you ?
For me the important factor is not making other preorderers wait, so the punishment for answering the mail late is unimportant. We just need some measure to ensure Pyras are not blocked forever and sent to someone else.
So for me waiting for the next batch (which no one ever knows when or whether will be) and having to do a little effort to reactivate enqueueing the preorder is enough punishment for missing a mail.
After all the preorder date order is already an indication of pyramaniatism, just sampled in a different year than shipping than complettion-email reflexes.
why would you place a preorder then not finalize? forking over hundreds of euros years in advance is a substantial commitment. gamers don't just forget about this kind of thing. you have to be a pyramaniac to do it in the first place. the only explanation is a competitor with deep pockets is trying to bankrupt dragonbox. i suspect it's anbernic funded by a communist totalitarian regime. obviously.
why would you place a preorder then not finalize? forking over hundreds of euros years in advance is a substantial commitment. gamers don't just forget about this kind of thing. you have to be a pyramaniac to do it in the first place. the only explanation is a competitor with deep pockets is trying to bankrupt dragonbox. i suspect it's anbernic funded by a communist totalitarian regime. obviously.
Ok. I hope you're trying to be fun. There's a saying that when talking to silly people or crazy people one should make believe one agrees... So I'll bite.

Why would you accept preorders and then not finalize in, say, 5 years? Accepting hundreds of euros is a substantial responsibility, gamers don't just forget about this kind of thing [why the hell should a Pyra preorderer be a gamer?].
They have to be pyramaniatic to do it in the first place and be correspondingly frustrated in two months!
The only explanation is a scapegoat is so jealous about a competition working on negative margins which their government would never allow, that they would sabotage Pyra production while sending the Chinese mafia to force ED to keep fulfilling orders.

Man, chill... just a little while...
Well, preeorder but not fullfilling could have different reasons:
- some did preorder, but died during the "2Months tm" , Traffic Accidents, Corona, Exploding Server Rack at work .. , who knows? Not everyone did tell there Familie that he PreeOrdered an Linux Handheld 2 Months tm ago ..
- maybe loss of interest? , Some are not that tight on Funds so they say "Screw the Money" ..
- changed Email Account, i remember that i had also an Freenet and an GMX Account a few decates ago, but i dont remember its Password, so if i had Preeorder whit it, i might not be able now to fullfill ..

- Some might also forgott that they did preeorder, this happens also .., or they lost the Email whit the Voucher Code..
is a substantial commitment. gamers don't just forget about this kind of thing.
Exactly! It is like forgetting your child at home, while you go on holiday (I'm looking at you, mcCallister!). Or being so hungover you dont remember last night.

As for the culprits, I would blame neo-monopolism. Where the goal is to offer only one kind of product to the masses. One that has no keys, just a screen. In order to accomplish that, they dont even shun starting wars.

come to the shop, we'll get together, build a few pyra's.
The Communards ? They hadn't really left us this way. They just never can't say goodbye, you know.
He he .. funny thing, I used to live near Jimmy Sommerville. I'd see him at a cafe from time to time at breakfast, always with different dudes. Always really buff dudes. :cool:
As my shop has grown quite a bit and made some money, I've got a good financial backing to be able to fund the redesign needed here.
A new board would be nice. Especially if it means the Pyra could emulate somewhat modern consoles like the GameCube better. I would be willing to pay extra for that. Just try to not get too rich. Too much money can be a burden.