IceClimber: die SMC muss snes.smc heißen. Forenbeiträge im Englischen Forum lesen.

Da hab ich auch das grad gepostet.
Actraiser: Fullspeed
Asterix & Obelix: Fullspeed w. Grafic Errors
Asterix: Fullspeed: Menu doesn't show up
Bubsy: Fullspeed
Chrono Trigger: Fullspeed
Illusion of Time: Fullspeed: Grafic Errors
Kirby3: Nothing (Extra Chip)
Lufia: "Nintendo" shows up then hang. Some behavior like in NK's SNES Emulator
Tetris & Dr Mario: First logo shows up, then nothing
Terranigma: No Intro, Fullspeed (Not when TextBox shows up), Grafic Errors
Legend of Zelda: Fullspeed
Donkey Kong 1: Massive Grafikal Errors, locks up, 2/3 Fullspeed
Donkey Kong 2: Grafic Errors, 2/3 Fullspeed
Donkey Kong 3: Grafic Errors, 1/3 Fullspeed
Kirby FUn Pack: Nothing (Extra Chip)
Lion King: Fullspeed
Super Mario RPG: Nothing (Extra Chip)
RType III: Fullspeed
Soul Blazer: Fullspeed
Seiken Densetsu 3: Nothing (Extra Chip???)
Super Mario World 2: Nothing (Extra Chip)
Secret of Evermore: Fullspeed, Hangs
Secret of Mana: Fullspeed
Super RType: Fullspeed
Tiny Toon: Fullspeed, Grafic Errors