The Back On My Gp2x Wont Come Off!


Ruler of good and evil, then i make them fight tog
Jan 31, 2006
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Just like the title the back of my gp2x wont come off.
I unscrewed all 4 screws! I dont think im missing any (btw i have an MK1)
anyway, the top comes off fine slightky, but when i try take of the bottom, it wont budge(i tried forcing it, but i dont want to break the case either)
Does anyone know what im missing?
i took out the batteries aswell, it looks like the battery compartment is soldered to the main board. So how has everyone else got to open their gp2x? Dont tell me i have to unsolder stuf please.
Ill probably end up soldering my hand somehow knowing my luck
Heh, I was in the EXACTLY same situation :) The top part opens a bit, the bottom holds fast.

Its been a while since I solved it, but I think in the end it was the battery compartment part that was causing it. You have to pry this one to take the back off. Then the shoulder buttons will fall out and so will the rubber flaps, good luck :)
cool thanks
any recomdation to what to pry it off with
its a rather small gap
It may seem like it'll break but i'd doubt it. i took mine off a few times and although it seemed like i was forcing it too hard, it didnt break. Also i pryed it open with my fingers